collaborate with us

We're always looking to collaborate with industry and help bring education and industry together! Here are a list of ways you can get involved and support us and help inspire the next generation of Scottish cyber talent at grass roots level.

  • Collaborate to create a National cyber competition for a specific age group or gender. This could be to celebrate or raise awareness of a specific cause or event.
  • Collaborate to create an interactive National cyber challenge that is specific to your company. This is a great way to engage the next generation of cyber talent and get them interested in cyber while raising awareness of your company.
  • We are open to opportunities to talk at events to highlight the work we're doing at grass roots level and the importance of getting more pupils engaged in cyber and provide takeaways that your company could do.
  • We are open to organising and running face to face events where you can have schools who have completed a online round can get invited to the face to face final. We are unable to provide financial support for prizes, speakers and venue. We have run many successful events in the past, see who we have worked with page.