turboCAP software is designed for...

  • 1st time conservation project planning

  • Community-based conservation plans

  • Rapid CAPs

  • Tight budgets or timelines

  • Easy to use software for Health and Threat Scorecards

  • Automated analysis of targets, attributes and threats most needing Strategy attention

turboCAP software is user-friendly and free to all users. It includes the basic ingredients needed to produce a credible first iteration Conservation Action Plan. The difficult steps in other conservation planning software have been greatly simplified, but without losing key elements.

A fully operational, beta-version (believed to be 99% error-free) of turboCAP can be downloaded from turboCAPs' Google Drive at the following link: turboCAP Excel software . Please see instructions below.

Notes to Users:

  1. After the spreadsheet opens the Google Sheets, you must Download the Excel file (go to File/Download and select Microsoft Excel). Then open the downloaded file in Excel. Do not use turboCAP in Google Sheets.

  2. The software uses Excel macros, so users will need to click the "Enable Editing" and then "Enable Content" buttons when the dialog boxes pop up.

  3. Using the turboCAP Excel workbook is largely intuitive, but Instructions for each worksheet are provided by using the i button at the top right of the worksheets. Click here for the complete turboCAP Instructions.

Project Example: A turboCAP Excel workbook showing the CAP for Alaska's Chena River Watershed (see scorecards below) can be downloaded at the following Google Drive link: turboCAP-Chena. Download the Excel file and give it a test drive!

CAUTION: Although the turboCAP Excel software is open source and can be modified by users, any changes to the existing worksheets (even adding a new row or column) could result in a malfunction on other worksheets or the scorecards. Adding new sheets will not affect the programming. The software is designed to be functional, but lacks Warren Lockwood's extraordinary programming features found in the original CAP Excel workbooks.

Click here for detailed notes on turboCAP Methodology, including the changes from conventional CAP methods.

For any software issues, questions or suggestions, please contact Greg Low at glow@appliedconservation.com.