Some of the most frequently asked questions for all things Train Simulator Classic content. Click the question to see the answer.

How to install Train Simulator Classic products?

A manual is provided in a PDF document format with every single reskin, reskin pack and patch which explains the installation process in detail all following the same basic formula. PDF manuals can be opened with a internet browser or any PDF reader.

I have a problem with a product, how can this be resolved?

As mentioned above, a PDF manual is provided with every single reskin, reskin pack and patch which explains the installation process in detail all following the same basic formula - this should be the first port of call and also using other usual Train Simulator installation methods such as copying and pasting GeoPcDx files located in default folders. If in the case you do have a problem, I am happy to provide assistance via social media if it is necessary at all. It in some cases there maybe a core issue with the product that needs attention for a fix. Social media details are on the home page and at the bottom of every page if you do need to contact me.

Why do some reskins not utilise enhancement packs or similar?

More often than not, it is likely that do not own a specific add-on or enhancement pack. I try my best to use the best available content that make the gameplay experience better.

Why has the installation method changed for new and updated products?

The previous method of copying, pasting and renaming a variety of files in the RailWorks folder used from 2018 until 2023 was known to sometimes cause issues with the installation of any reskins or reskin packs which can easily not go to plan. As necessary reskin files are now included in a .exe installer with manual copying and pasting for only essential files, not only the amount of copying and pasting is reduced, but also speeds up the installation process. This also makes it much easier to roll-out updates and install them effectively and efficiently.

For more information: https://sites.google.com/view/turbo-ted/train-sim-content#h.z7yqrppqek2z

Do you take requests, commissions or suggestions for content?

The answer to this question is no unfortunately. I don't currently accept requests, commissions or suggestions for any new Train Simulator Classic content. As written in some older content read-me PDF documentation, from time to time I may create stories on my Instagram account or create posts via other social media platforms including Twitter and Facebook asking for input when it is felt to be neccessary. 

Why only make content for Train Simulator Classic and not similar games?

Train Simulator Classic (at the time Train Simulator 2017/2018 when I came on the scene!) is one of several simulation games i'm the most familiar with which therefore felt most comfortable making content. I felt there was a gap for reskins not covered by other creators. Train Simulator Classic is where I've been able to develop my content to the best it can be. The ability to make and customise reskins and patches is something I feel I would miss with other titles that contain more limitations for content creation. Subsequently, franchises such as Train Sim World have felt more limited for the style of content creation I do here. Games like it and Transport Fever 2 already have a range of freeware content creators.

If you think I've missed anything that may help you be sure to send a message via Instagram, Facebook or Twitter (aka X) located below.