Student Resources

Resource for Post Docs, Fellowships, and Internships in HDFS related areas 

Helpful Links.pdf

Helpful Links

things to do in Lubbock.docx

Activities Around Lubbock


Mental Health

Mental health is important during stressful times, such as being in grad school. Browse this document to find resources available to you. 

Lowering Internet/Phone Bill by $30

There are programs set up to help cover some of the cost of internet or phone bill. You can access them using the link below, and see more information posted on the document to the left. 

More Information:

Create Profile and submit your documents: 

Affordable Connectivity Program
Healthcare Resources and Information

Healthcare Resources and Information

As healthcare is essential, we are providing some information and links to help you understand your options at TTU, as well as other national resources. 

Trans Resource List + Undergraduate-Graduate Resources-7.30.22.pdf

Healthcare Resources and Information

As healthcare is essential, we are providing some information and links to help you understand your options at TTU, as well as other national resources. 

Student Suggestions for Realtors and Apartments

List of possible realtors to use that have helped other students find houses for rent or buying, and apartments that student like based on price and features. 

Student Suggestions for Realtors and Apartments