

TTT data tend to be most useful if they can be compared across libraries. If you want to make changes, we recommend that you subdivide rather than reorganize existing categories. The subdivisions can then be recombined for comparative purposes. Category ALSI could for instance be subdivided into

  • ALSI1 - Sits alone [awake]
  • ALSI2 - Sits alone sleeping

If food or phones are important to you, GRSI - and most of the others - might be divided into

  • GRSI1 - Sits in a group without media [no food, no phone]
  • GRSI2 - Sits in a group without media - while eating
  • GRSI3 - Sits in a group without media - while talking on the phone

If use of several media types at the same time is important to registert, for example due to need of desk space, a number can be added indicating for example how many media types in addition to Laptop is in use:

  • ALLAP1 - A laptop and one more media (f.ex. a physical book)
  • ALLAP2 - A laptop and two more media (f.ex a physical book and a phone)

You may also introduce totally new categories - like using copying machines and micro-film readers - by subdividing the category ETC:

  • COP - Using copying machine(s)
  • MOB - Talking in mobile phone
  • MCR - Using micro-film reader(s)
  • ETC - Other

If you want to study the extent to which library seats are in demand, you may introduce a category for seats that are empty, but occupied or reserved (marked by books, clothing, etc.). Such data must obviously be excluded from the analysis of activities.