

The list below contains the standard observation categories used in TTT studies of library traffic.

List of activities

Individual activities

  1. ALUP = Walks or stands alone. Covers standing or walking around without browsing and without relating to library staff or other users.
  2. ALBR = Browses alone. Covers browsing or scanning of items on shelves while standing or walking around. Includes watching exhibititions.
  3. ALSI = Sits alone. Sits alone without relating to media, to library staff or to other users.
  4. ALMD = Sits alone reading (or writing). Sits and reads by her/himself. Includes individual work - reading and or writing - without using data equipment. Includes listening to music, watching videos and using other media - but not the use of computers.
  5. ALLT = Sits alone with laptop. Sits alone with active mobile or tablet computer (active screen)
  6. ALPC = Sits alone with stationary computer. Sits alone with stationary active computer (active screen).
  7. ALSF = Individual contact with staff. Covers all direct contact with staff. Here we want to register activities where staff spends time with an individual user, whether it involves speaking, writing, demonstrating or walking around.

Group activities

  1. GRUP = Walks or stands in company. Participates in a group of two or more persons that stands or walks around without browsing and without relating to library staff.
  2. GRBR = Browses in company. Participates in a group of two or more persons that browse or scan items on shelves together while standing or walking around.
  3. GRSI = Sits in a group without media. Participates in a group of two or more persons that does not relate to books or other media or to library staff.
  4. GRMD = Sits in a group with media. Participates in a group without active computer, where at least one person relates to books or other media. [Use GRLT og GRPC for groups with active use of data].
  5. GRLT = Sits in a group with laptop(s).Participates in a group where at least one person is using a mobile PC (active screen).
  6. GRPC = Sits in a group with stationary computer(s). Participates in a group of two or more persons that is using one or more stationary PCs (active screen).
  7. GRSF = Group contact with staff. Covers all direct contact with staff. Here we want to register activities where staff spends time with a group of several users, whether it involves speaking, writing, demonstrating or walking around.


  1. QUE = Queuing. Covers all visible waiting for service or facilities, whether in a proper line or not: waiting for staff, waiting for access to equipment, toilet queues, aso.
  2. ETC = Other activities. Activities not covered by the other categories.

PDF versions are available (samples from UiO HumSam library, free to use):

Acivity list in short

Activity list with illustrations