
Innovative Designs for Language Education: Transformative Technology Leadership


Important Dates

Submission deadline for workshop paper: August 16, 2021

Acceptance notification of workshop papers: August 30, 2021

Final camera-ready version due for workshop papers: September 20, 2021

Call for Paper/ Paper Submission

This workshop on Innovative Designs in Language Education: Transformative Leadership affiliated with Hangzhou Normal University, Jinan University, Shiga University, Hiroshima University, University of Malawi, Mahidol University, Assumption University, Phayao University, and TAAL is now calling for papers. The international event for scholars, researchers, professors, and students to share knowledge, research works, work-in-progress reports, and academic articles in the scopes and topics of technology-enhanced learning in English and Chinese fields. This workshop is to be organized as an interactive session for a half-day. Besides oral paper presentations, the participants are encouraged to introduce live demonstrations for their proposed technology in education, which are expected to promote the interaction and communication among participants.

Author's Guideline

1) All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. [ Full paper, short paper, and poster are welcomed to present at the event]

2) Manuscript should be written in English with a maximum paper length of 8 – 10 printed pages (full paper), 5-6 printed pages (short paper), and 2-3 printed pages (poster) including figures, tables, photo, and references.

3) All papers must be submitted via SUBMISSION FORM below.


Accepted papers in the Workshops will be published in proceedings, which will be submitted to Elsevier for inclusion in Scopus. Proceedings of the main conference (excluding posters) will also be submitted to Thomson Reuters for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index. Authors of accepted distinguished full papers will be invited to submit extended versions of the papers for consideration of publication in Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL), the official academic journal of the Asia Pacific Society for Computers in Education.

Contact Us

All questions are welcome. Please contact us via this email: or

Dr. Bhornsawan Inpin


contact no. ++66 81-887-5141

Dr. Phirunkhana Phichiensathien


Contact No. ++66 85-281-2748

Napatacha Sriwichai

Contact No. ++66 63-694-2979