In the Immortal Realm, a human finds themselves caught in a faction war. They team up with their favorite in-game character to explore the magical land, complete quests, and uncover the secrets of its history. Together, they search for a way back home, facing challenges and forging alliances along the way. But you never know, who might break your heart. 

Releasing on April 10, 2024.

Download our game! 

Click Download. Extract the file. Open the extracted folder and find the (.exe) file. *You must allow permission for the game to run on your computer. Hint: click on more information to see more options after clicking the .exe file. 

Message us on Instagram (@whilethesakurablooms) or send us an email for any help you may need to download our game. 

The Factions


Renowned for their pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, mastering magic and philosophy. They advocate for peace and diplomacy in the faction war, using intellect as their primary strength. 


The Candor faction prioritizes truth and integrity, serving as champions of justice. They uncover deception in the faction war, earning respect for their honesty.

The Species of the Immortal World


A mythical bird known for its healing abilities, said to absorb sickness and disease from the afflicted. Legends depict it as a symbol of purity and divine intervention, appearing only to those deemed pure of heart. Its feathers hold potent magical properties, believed to cure even the most severe illnesses when used by skilled healers. Revered across mythical lands, the Caladrius offers hope and comfort to those in times of suffering, embodying themes of redemption and compassion.


Angelic figure with multiple wings and radiant light. In religious lore, Seraphim are considered among the highest order of angels, dwelling closest to the divine presence. They are described as fiery beings, symbolizing purification and divine love. Their role is to serve as guardians and messengers of God, embodying qualities of holiness, purity, and devotion. Throughout various mythologies, Seraphim are revered for their celestial beauty and unwavering dedication to serving the divine will.


Beautiful and ethereal beings closely associated with nature. They are believed to inhabit forests, rivers, mountains, and other natural landscapes. Nymphs are depicted as guardians of their respective domains, embodying the spirit and essence of the natural world. In mythology, they are often depicted as companions to gods and goddesses, or as objects of desire for mortals. Nymphs symbolize the interconnectedness between humanity and the environment, serving as embodiments of beauty, grace, and the wild, untamed forces of nature.


Entities existing between the mortal and divine realms. They are neither purely good nor evil but rather embody a spectrum of traits and intentions. In some traditions, daemons serve as messengers or intermediaries between gods and humans, while in others, they are seen as mischievous or malevolent entities. Daemons are often associated with specific domains or concepts, such as love, war, or the afterlife. Their presence in mythology reflects humanity's fascination with the mysterious and the unseen, offering glimpses into the complexities of the spiritual world.

Game Features

Game Map

Explore Different Districts

As you journey through the world, unlock new districts brimming with unique personalities. From the scholarly Library District to the bustling Hospital District, vibrant Art District, and the pulsating heart of the city, Downtown, each area offers intriguing characters to meet and befriend.

Experience the Visuals

As you explore the world, your perspective shifts to a top-down 45-degree angle view, accompanied by a captivating new art style. Upon entering buildings and engaging in conversations, the art style evolves, providing a deeper immersion into the environment and characters you encounter. This dynamic visual experience enhances your journey through the rich and diverse landscapes of the world.

Game World

On Screen Conversations

Your Personal Journal

As you progress, your interactive journal tracks character details, quest progress, and rewards. Learn about characters, deepen relationships, and earn in-game currency and collectibles for your inventory by completing quests. Use rewards to purchase upgrades and unlock new areas, enhancing your journey through the game.

Keep track of your contacts

Discover and complete quests

Meet the Team

Julia Ociesa

Lead + Programming 

Zaid Baig

Programming + Marketing 

Violet Nguyen

Design + Marketing

Lucy Lu

Research + UX/UI

Ivy Wu 

Animation + Assets

Dandan Tao

Level Design + Assets

Our Project Supervisors


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