Meet Our Characters

Hanako Kaori

A nurse with a vibrant personality and a caring demeanor. As a Caladrius, she embodies purity and healing, dedicated to serving others. Hanako's love for daisies, coffee, and pearls reflects her appreciation for simple joys and natural beauty. However, she dislikes brushes, cloaks, and diamonds, preferring authenticity over extravagance. Committed to the good faction (Team Eduite), Hanako brings warmth and positivity to her interactions, fostering connections and spreading hope wherever she goes.

Hanako's Background Story

Hanako grew up in the temple north of the Sakura tree. Growing up she loved helping out her parents and dedicating herself to keeping the temple clean. On the days the temple was closed, her parents would take her to see the Sakura tree. One of these times was on a full moon night. She saw the most beautiful glowing plant she’s ever seen. Her mother told her that it was called the Tsukimi plant. It was said to heal any sickness or injury but it only blooms on a full moon night and is very rare. 

When the war started, a lot of injured people came to the temple for help. Although Hanako’s parents are knowledgeable in herbal treatment, their abilities weren’t enough to help the more injured. While looking for herbs, Hanako’s Mother was attacked by some members of the bad faction. After some time waiting, Hanako’s father went out to find her and came back holding her injured body that was clenching on to the withered Tsukimi plant. This incident inspired Hanako to turn to other methods to help treat the sick and injured. With all the knowledge Hanako has acquired, she now works as a nurse in the city.

Kenji Sato

An ENTP businessman with a sharp intellect and a knack for strategy. As a Daemon, he thrives on ambition and cunning, driven by his desire for power and influence. Kenji takes pleasure in the finer things in life, favoring cloaks, pens, and diamonds as symbols of his success. However, he has little patience for brushes, coffee, or tulips, seeing them as distractions from his goals. Firmly aligned with the bad faction (Team Candor), Kenji is a formidable adversary, using his wit and charm to manipulate situations to his advantage and further his agenda.

Kenji's Background Story

Kenji grew up in the rural village south of the city(or in the demon region). His family were farmers that grew crops and took care of animals. He had a peaceful life. It wasn’t easy but it wasn’t difficult either. Kenji’s family saved all the money they could in hopes to expand the farm. One day, the animals started to get sick and after a while the sickness spread to the crops. Kenji’s parents didn’t know what to do. So they went to their distributor to give them time to regrow their crops and heal their animals. Their distributor told them it would cost a lot to get new seeds and medicine for the animals. So Kenji’s parents gave their distributor all their savings but the distributor ran off with the money. Kenji’s parents took any jobs they could in hopes to at least put food on the table. Kenji started working for a noble family in the kingdom. Being a servant, Kenji overheard a lot of plans and secrets. 

During the war, Kenji went to an information broker and offered information in exchange for money. He told them the family he worked for was planning to betray the good faction. After the exchange of information, the information broker decided to hire Kenji to work for him because he saw potential in Kenji. Kenji eventually took over as the information broker but to hide his operations he opened a new company that deals with the distribution of oil. Now Kenji is one of the richest CEOs in the city.

Emi Kaito

Meet Emi Kato, an ISFJ artist with a gentle and nurturing spirit. As a nymph, she is deeply connected to nature, drawing inspiration from its beauty and serenity. Emi finds solace in her art, often using brushes to create intricate works that reflect her love for the natural world. She has a fondness for tulips and moonstones, which symbolize purity and tranquility to her. However, she dislikes dango, cloaks, and daisies, finding them discordant with her aesthetic sensibilities.

Despite her gentle demeanor, Emi aligns herself with the bad faction (Team Candor), drawn to the allure of power and ambition. Her inner conflict between her innate goodness and her allegiance to Candor adds depth to her character, as she grapples with the moral implications of her choices.

Emi's Background Story

Emi grew up in the kingdom/castle. She is the 5th child out of 10 children. Growing up she got everything she could ever want but she couldn’t have the one thing she wanted most, the love of her parents. Her parents were the owners of the biggest trading company in the good faction. They didn’t have time to take care of their 10 children, instead they hired nannies to raise their children instead. While most of Emi’s siblings thrived in academics, combat and magic. She had no talent and was looked down upon. One day, her nanny took her to the art festival that was being held in the artsy district. Emi was in awe of all the paintings, dancing, and music. She decided to buy some paint, brushes, and a canvas. When she got home Emi painted the artsy district as best as she could from memory. Her nanny was so proud of her and encouraged Emi to show her parents during dinner time. As she walked the halls of her mansion with the painting in hand, her older siblings ran and snatched the painting from her hands. They told her how ugly the painting was and proceeded to destroy her painting. Her parents heard the commotion and went to see what was happening. Her parents saw the destroyed painting and was disgusted to see Emi’s hands dirty with paint. They told her only commoners from the bad faction painted and if she continued to paint she would be disowned. She hid away all her tools and never showed her parents another painting. 

During the war, Emi’s parents made a deal with the bad faction. They wanted to be the rulers of the good faction and in return would provide weapons to the bad faction. When the good faction’s council found out that Emi’s parents betrayed them, they killed her parents, all the nannies and her siblings with the most potential, which was most of them. Emi and her brother were set free because of their reputation of being useless. They ran to the artsy district. To make money for shelter and food, Emi made drawings to sell. She used tree bark and dirt mixed with water. On one cold day, an elderly couple walked past Emi and her brother shivering in a large cardboard box. The couple decided to adopt the siblings and together they ran the small antique shop. The couple encouraged Emi to paint again after they noticed her staring at all the old paintings they had. After a couple of years, Emi was able to open her own art studio and her younger brother took over the antique shop. Now Emi spends her time giving art lessons. 

Yuki Tanaka

With a keen intellect and analytical mind, Yuki is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. He finds solace in the quiet sanctuary of the library, surrounded by his beloved books and scrolls. Yuki enjoys the aroma of freshly brewed coffee as he delves into his research. 

However, he has little interest in pearls, roses, or mooncakes, preferring the simplicity of his scholarly pursuits. Aligned with the good faction (Team Erudite), Yuki believes in the power of education and enlightenment to bring about positive change in the world.

Yuki's Background Story

Yuki spent most of his childhood in an observatory in the mountains with a group dedicated to collecting books. He never really knew his parents but his father figure the director of the observatory would tell him stories about his parents. They were travellers and loved seeing the world but one day they both got very sick. So they made their way to their final destination, the observatory. They appeared in the dead of night begging the director to take their baby and to raise him with love and both disappeared after that. The only thing they left with Yuki was a book. The book was dedicated to Yuki and it talked about the adventures his parents went on. He would read the book every night until he fell asleep. 

When the war started, the bad faction destroyed the observatory leaving nothing standing. While escaping the director took Yuki in his arms and ran but without thinking left his parent’s book behind. After a couple of years, with the help of the director, he built a library in the city. This is to thank the director for all the years he has been by his side. He said he would help the director recollect all the books that were lost in the observatory. Yuki and the director would visit the ruins to try to salvage any books they could find but with little luck. Yuki hoped he could find the book his parents left behind because he was slowly forgetting the contents of the book. He now spends his time gathering and restoring books in the library in the city.

Faction Leaders

Embark on a journey through the Immortal Realm, where Erudite and Candor clash in an epic war. Experience thrilling battles, challenging quests, and difficult choices. Discover if peace can be achieved as you navigate the conflicts of this mystical world. Are you ready to make a difference?

Your Human Chibi in game!  

This is your character, that you will use as a player. And yes, all Characters mentioned above will have their own Chibi as well. Click here to view them.

'Chibi' which is a style of Japanese art characterized by its small and cute depictions of characters, often with exaggerated features like large heads and eyes.

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