Learn more about the team!

Julia Ociesa

Lead + Programming 

Julia is a multi-talented programmer and artist. She excels in concept design, writing multi-language programming, digital art, and problem solving. Julia has studied in the IMD and IRM undergrad programs at Carleton University which taught her many skills including game design and development. She is the lead programmer, lead writer, and team leader for Tsukimi Dango. 


Zaid Baig

Marketing + Programming 

Zaid is an accomplished multimedia developer and designer with four years of freelancing expertise. He excels in launching websites, branding products, and crafts engaging narratives for targeted demographics. Zaid's possesses strong technical skills from his university program IMD such as programming and animation skills, which enables him to meet the project's scope . He will also lead marketing efforts for success of Tsukimi Dango.


Violet Nguyen

Design + Marketing

Violet is an artist with capabilities to code. Her focus is on concept design, storytelling, and problem solving. Violet studied Interactive Multimedia and Designed at Carleton University which taught her a wide range of skills which some are 3D modelling, animation, and mobile development. She is the asset artist, character background writer and the all rounder for Tsukimi Dango 


Dandan Tao

Level Design + Assets 

Dandan (Dani) is an illustrator and graphic designer currently studying Interactive Multimedia and Design at Carleton University. She specializes in concept design, background design, and character illustration. Bringing stories to life is something she strives to do in her work. She is the lead background artist and level designer for Tsukimi Dango. 

Ivy Wu

Animation + Assets

Ivy is a 2D visual artist studying Interactive Multimedia and Design at Carleton University. Her art style leans towards Japanese anime/manga style. Because of her love for character design, she focused on character design and animation for Tsukimi Dango. 


Lucy Lu

Research + UX/UI 

Lucy is a multimedia design student studying IMD at Carleton University. She is passionate about UI/UX. She excels in collecting and analyzing user data, integrating feedback into the work to align with user preferences. Lucy takes charge of UI design and UX testing in Tsukimi Tango, offering design assistance as needed.

Our Project Supervisors


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