Interactive Texture Editing for Garment Line Drawings

Tsukasa Fukusato1, Ryohei Shibata1,  Seung-Tak Noh2, and Takeo Igarashi1

1 The University of Tokyo
2 Tokyo University of Technology 

Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CAVW), Special Issue of CGI 2022 


Adding two-dimensional (2D) textures to garment line drawings (e.g., cartoon characters) remains challenging in the production pipeline of comics and illustrations since garment line drawings often have self-occluded wrinkles. Although several techniques that can automatically deform and map 2D texture patterns to 2D line drawings have been proposed, their qualities are insufficient for representing 3D-like realistic garment designs and manual editing of UV coordinates, which is labor-intensive. In this paper, we introduce an interactive tool to efficiently edit UV coordinates of 2D garment line drawings on the modeling panel with curve and point handles. Our algorithm is simple to integrate into existing image authoring tools. We conduct a user study with novice users and confirm that the proposed tool can effectively handle texture mapping envisioned by the users.


This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI grant No. JP19K20316, Japan.


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