International Cooperation

International organization engagement

Editorial board for the following journals

International organization member

International Conference/Workshop/ Invited speech

Oral presentation

“Social-environmental analysis of water quality in a populous urban estuary, case study of Tamsui River estuary”. 

“Social-environmental analysis of methane in the South China Sea an d bordering countries”

“Sea-to-air fluxes of methane and nitrous oxide in the South China Sea”

“Social-environmental analysis of methane in the South China Sea and bordering countries.”

“Seafood labeling, seafood safety and environmental sustainability”

“Social-environmental analysis of methane and coastal management in the South China Sea and bordering countries”

“Methane distributions and sea-to-air fluxes in the South China Sea and the West Philippines Sea”

“CH4 and N2O may contribute more to greenhouse effect than CO2 emission from the SCS”

 Invited speech

“Social-environmental analysis of methane in the South China Sea and bordering countries.”

“CH4 and N2O may contribute more to the greenhouse effect than CO2 emission from the warm seas: case study of the South China Sea”

 Poster presentation

"Seasonal distribution and water-to-air fluxes of nitrous oxide in Tamsui River estuary and its adjacent marine area" 

“Impacts of the greenhouse effect in the South China Sea”

“Methane distributions and sea-to-air fluxes in the South China Sea and the West Philippines Sea”

International Lectures/Courses