2nd Class: Board of Review Sample Questions
How many patrol meetings have you attended in the last 3 months?
What did your patrol do at its last meeting?
Tell us about a service project in which you participated.
Where did you go on your last Troop campout? Did you have a good time? Why?
Why is it important to be able to identify animals found in your community?
Tell us about the flag ceremony in which you participated.
What is in your personal first aid kit?
What have you learned about handling woods tools (axes, saws, etc.)?
How are a map of the area and a compass useful on a campout?
Have you ever done more than one "good turn" in a day? Ask for details.
Have you earned any merit badges?
If "Yes": Which ones? Why did you choose them? Who was your counselor?
If "No": Encourage getting started, and suggest one or two of the easier ones.
Did you attend summer camp with our Troop last summer?
If "Yes": What was your best (worst) experience at summer camp?
If "No": Why not?
Do you plan to attend summer camp with our Troop next summer?
If "Yes": What are you looking forward to doing at summer camp?
If "No": Why not?
What suggestions do you have for improving our Troop?
How do you help out at home, church, school?
What class in school is most challenging for you? Why?
One of the requirements for Second Class is to participate in a program regarding drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse. Tell us about the program in which you participated.
How is it possible to live the Scout Oath and Law in your daily life?
What does it mean to say, "A Scout is Trustworthy"?
When do you expect to complete the requirements for 1st Class?
More Second Class Questions:
Personal Data
How old are you?
Do your friends at school know you're in Scouts?
Do you ever take the time and just talk with members of your family? If so, who?
Do you have a hero? If so, who and why?
What Do You Think
In the Scout Oath, what does "I will do my best" mean to you?
Do you ever do more than one Good Turn Daily? What kinds?
What point of the Scout Law is the most important to you? Why?
Do you have a favorite youth or adult leader? If so, what makes that person a good leader?
The Scout Motto is "Be Prepared". What does it mean to you?
What do you think it means to be a Second Class Scout? What should people expect of you?
What did you do for you one (1) hour of service required for Second Class? What did you think of the project? What other service have you done?
What type of service projects would you like to work on?
Does your patrol have patrol meetings? Do you find them helpful? Is there something the troop can do to help your patrol have productive patrol meetings?
Is there any part of the patrol program that you would like changed? How would you make these changes? What is the benefit of these changes?
Your Progress
What requirement for this rank was the hardest? Easiest?
Have you started earning any merit badges? Which ones interest you, and why?
Do you have any difficulty setting goals for yourself?
Have you had a chance to cook outdoors? What did you like about it?
What outdoor skills do you like best?
The Big Picture
What are your plans for First Class?
Is there anything the troop can do to help you?
What are your long term plans in scouting?
What part of scouting interests you the most?
Are you enjoying Scouting? Why or Why not?
What is the first Patrol Leadership position you plan to run for?