Meet the Team




Jinann is a swimmer and participant in Model UN. You can also find her playing the trombone in West High's Trojan Marching band. Being team captain, she dabbles in all sub-teams, but her expertise lies in Build. Jinann hopes to become an Aerospace Engineer. 



On the field, Tiff is a driver, and off the field, she works closely with Build and Strategy. Her favorite part of Trobotix has been working on our robot with the night crew, some days staying in the lab until 9:30 PM. At home, Tiff is probably playing Minecraft or Dungeons and Dragons with her friends. She is interested in Robotics and Band, where she is a percussionist. Tiff hopes to become a Quantum Physicist.




Build Lead

In addition to being a builder, Ben is one of our drivers and helps with strategy. Outside of robotics, he plays soccer, bowls, and is involved with TSA (Technology Student Association). He also loves playing video games. Ben's future aspirations are to become a mechanical engineer.



Evan enjoys skiing, biking, and photography. He appreciates any outdoor activity. At meets you can find Evan taking photos of the team competing and doing maintenance in the pit. He intends to enter mechanical engineering, and move to Utah.



Aaron is the driver coach during competitions. Besides Trobotix, he likes playing tennis and hanging out with friends. His favorite class is chemistry, as he likes seeing real applications of the scientific method. Aaron wishes to become an engineer but is still undecided on which specific field to enter.



Sawyer performs general installation and also mentors our non-competing team, helping them design a robot. His interests include building robots and experimenting with Raspberry Pi's and Breadboards. He wants to become a robotics engineer at Boston Dynamics.




Programming Lead

Alex is the current administrator for the team's GitHub. He is enthusiastic about open-source software, operating systems, IoT, application development, and more. Alex competes in USACO and is a member of the Technology Student Association (TSA) / Junior Engineering Technical Society (JETS), Science Olympiad, and the Cadenza music and charity club. 



Anjali participates in traditional Indian dance where she recently had her arangetram (solo dance debut). Anjali is also in Science Olympiad, where she participates in flight and disease detection. You can also find her competing with the Junior Engineering Technical Society (JETS), and outside of school, drawing. Anjali has hopes of becoming an architect or civil engineer. 




Strategy Lead

During competitions, Haneen serves as the team's human player. Outside of Trobotix, some of her hobbies include editing videos, reading, and fixing jewelry. Haneen is interested in chemistry, photography/film, and criminology. She hopes to attend university to study chemistry and become a toxicologist.




Business Lead

Besides Trobotix, Kamakshee is involved with Science Olympiad, Speech & Debate, Journalism, and 1440 Interact (volunteering club). In her free time, she loves writing poetry, (specifically spoken word), and spending time in nature during warm weather. Kamakshee hopes to work at NASA one day or become an astronomer.