Archway Trivium East

Blog Update

Dear Parents,

We have made some significant changes with our blog to ensure that you and your scholar have access to all that you need to stay on top of assignments. With so many in and out of school for various reasons, we thought it would be best to keep our blog updated for you.

To see what each week entails, click on the Weekly Course of Study. Then go to our Resources page and select the curriculum that you need material for. This should mitigate stress at night when scholars forget their agenda, or other materials at school. 


5th Grade Team
Mr. Denk, Ms. DeGraves, Ms. McAllister, Ms. Durias, Mrs. Kemling, Mr. Houlihan

Consumable Books 2021-2022

Well Ordered Language Level 3A: The Curious Child's Guide to Grammar

Well Ordered Language Level 3B: The Curious Child's Guide to Grammar

Singapore Math Workbook 5A

Singapore Math Workbook 5B

Latin for Children, Primer B (new students) ISBN 9781600510069

Voyage of the Dawn Treader ISBN 9780064405027

Across Five Aprils ISBN 9780425102411

The Secret Garden ISBN 9780064401883

Where the Red Fern Grows ISBN 9780553274295

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass ISBN 9781593080150

The Oxford New Dictionary and Thesaurus: Third Edition (new students) ISBN 9780425228623

The Harp & Laurel Wreath Special GH Edition (new students) ISBN 9781586176914

Athenian Pledge

We, Athenians, will never bring disgrace to this our Academy by any act of dishonesty or cowardice, nor ever desert our fellow Scholars. We will stand for the ideals and principles of our Academy both alone and as a community of learners. 

We will respect the Academy’s Virtues of Humility, Courage, Honesty, Perseverance, Responsibility, Friendship, Integrity, and Wisdom. We will do our best to incite a respect and reverence toward these Virtues among our fellow Scholars. We will strive unceasingly to quicken our sense of Citizenship. 

Thus in all these ways we will transmit this Academy greater and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us.

Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Classroom Expectations

1. I will serve others before myself.

2. I will walk in straight and silent lines.

3. I will sit in a scholarly position.

4. I will raise my hand to speak.

5. I will pursue Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in all that I do.