Leadership & committees
Meet the 2024-2025 Leadership Team
Kelly Lehl | Community Meals
Jen Monty | Youth & Education
Kirk Van Dreel | Treasurer & Financial Resources
Becca Jagla | Vice President & Support and Service
Dan Wesenick | Secretary & Media Outreach
Morgan Monty | Youth Representative
Terry Lathrop | Building & Grounds
Karen Acker | President & Worship and Music
Pat Osmuss | Stewardship
get involved
Buildings and Grounds | Terry Lathrop
Spring and fall clean-up
Coordinate lawn mowing
Contract for snowplowing
Building maintenance
Landscaping projects
Annual HVAC maintenance Contract
Community gardens
Stewardship | Jean Smith
Support and Service | Becca Jagla
Community Meals | Kelly Lehl
Dartball Team | Bryan Willner
Financial Resources | Kirk Van Dreel
Oversees Trinity's finances
Money counters
E-giving (Mike Kohls)
Scrip sales (Mark Moser)
Library | Joy Flohr & Joanne Judas
Media Outreach | Sarah Flohr
Social Media (Dan Wegner)
Website (Melissa Sylte)
Research and Analytics (Terry Wegner)
TW-ELCA (Trinity Women of ELCA) | Dawn Hess
Quilting (Sue Krejcarek)
LWR school kits and personal care kits
Funeral luncheons (Pat Osmuss)
Pie booth at New London Fall Festival
Thankoffering worship
Gift given at each baptism at Trinity
Baptismal towels and banners for each baptism at Trinity
Christmas outreach gifts
Community Cupboard food drives
Equal exchange
Worship and Service | Karen Acker
Music Ministry Coordinator (Mike Simonson)
Altar guild/communion preparation
Lector/scripture reader
Assisting minister
Communion server
Sound system
Slide creator
Slide presenter
Youth and Christian Education | Jen Monty & Madalyn Simonis
Adult education opportunities: Sundays at 8 a.m. (Carol Cleveland), Thursdays at 9 a.m. (Pat Osmuss)
Ruth Circle: Second Monday of each month at 7 p.m.
Sunday School: ages 4-18
Story Time: ages 0-3 (Sue Krejcarek)
Confirmation camp
High school hangout (Kathryn Moser)