Storey Review - Find Deluxe $29K BONUS PACKS INSIDE! Storey Bonus

Storey is a brand new software that leverages the power of customer experience combined with a sleek ‘testimonial’ widget that can be added to any website. Transform boring ‘text-only’ testimonials into sexy, authentic social proof ‘story’ videos that engage prospects and increase conversions.

You know reviews are the single most impactful conversion factor for any product. Everyone these days looks at reviews before deciding whether or not to buy. The problem is, HOW and WHERE they place theirr reviews is actually causing you to lose sales. Think about it. Testimonials/Reviews are still displaying in boring, out-dated and text-only boxes.

Not only that, they’re displayed FAR AWAY from your buy button (so your visitor has to scroll up and down to view and buy your product/service). It makes no sense. Now, imagine visitors viewing your best testimonials/reviews as highly-engaging Video stories right before checking out… Not even having to scroll down. Instead, a very familiar “story” widget right below your ‘Buy Now’ button… So they can checkout immediately after viewing.
