
MarketPal is the world’s ONLY App That Creates Lightning Fast Marketing Pages, Pop-Ups, Optin-Forms And Sends Unlimited Emails All Under One Dashboard With Zero Monthly FEE.

If You Really Want to Make Money in 2020, You Need To Raise Your Game. You have to pro level landing pages that really converts visitors into buyers, emails that gets more opens and actions to produce results, and you need to squeeze more profit from every single visitor that visits your store, website or blog. And most importantly save you time and money simultanously that you need to spend on: Executing the vision and plan you always had for your business; Saving money for the new car or house or the vacation you have been planning for so long And making more money while working less.

But Why Most Of The Businesses Fail…Common Issues: Have to Test Multiple Apps for Landing Pages, Collecting leads, Send Emails, Popups; High Learning Curve for learning all the apps for you and your team; Pay High Monthly or Annual Fee for individual app; Multiple Apps that don’t communicate with each other; They Block Your Access or Permanently Ban Your Account; Heavy Migration if it doesn’t fit your needs or doesn’t product results. Why So Much Work? That’s why they have decided to cut through the clutter and change this complicated system for once and all.
