
What Does Membership Mean?


Membership on a TRB standing committee is a high honor. As a member, you are recognized as an expert in your field, someone who can contribute a valuable perspective on current issues facing the profession. Diversity of views and backgrounds is an important factor in determining committee membership, and your participation is critical to ensuring that a variety of perspectives are represented around the table.


Participation offers members excellent opportunities to network with their peers and assists them in staying current with the latest developments in their field. As an added bonus, members are eligible for a reduced fee at the TRB Annual Meeting held in Washington, DC, every January and for a discount on most TRB publications. Each member of a standing committee is nominated for a three-year term and may serve on that committee for up to three consecutive terms.


Responsibilities of Membership


TRB standing committees play a vital role in facilitating the exchange of transportation research information and results. The committee members work together to develop research problem statements in their area of interest, review and recommend papers for publication and for presentation at TRB Annual Meetings, and organize Annual Meeting sessions as well as committee meetings, workshops, and other activities. Committees are made up of individuals who hold a variety of opinions on issues of concern to the profession. It is important to keep in mind that TRB standing committees and their members are not authorized to speak on behalf of TRB or to provide advice to government agencies or other organizations. Members must therefore exercise caution to avoid creating the impression that the committee or any of its members represents TRB or can commit TRB to a course of action.


Who are Young and International Members?


Membership on each standing committee is limited to 25 individuals. In addition, 5 International Members and 4 Young Members may be appointed to foster participation outside of the United States and Canada and to engage succeeding generations of transportation professionals. Young members are individuals aged 35 years or younger who wish to contribute their expertise in a given area and to progress in their chosen careers by participating on a TRB committee. 


Who are Friends of a Committee?


Becoming a Friend of a Committee affords an opportunity to get involved in a committee’s activities and, by participating over time, to be considered for future nomination for membership on that committee. Friends enjoy networking opportunities with other experts in their field and are free to become actively engaged in the work of the committee. They are not eligible for member discounts. Go to to learn more.