TRB Committee on Historic and Archaeological Preservation in Transportation

Welcome to the Transportation Research Board’s Committee on Historic and Archaeological Preservation in Transportation (AME60).


We are a group with members from public and private sectors, with expertise in state and federal environmental regulations and a focus on cultural and historic properties. We love hearing from people from around the country, sharing ideas, and learning from one another, and you do not have to be a member to participate. 

If you aren’t a member, and haven’t already registered as a friend of the committee, please go to and create an account. (See listserv note below about why this is important.) You can become a friend of any TRB committee. You can also find information on about TRB’s Annual Meeting, held every January in Washington, DC. Come together with thousands of transportation professionals.


Each year in summer, our committee hosts a mid-year meeting; in recent years, we have had both virtual and in-person meetings. We work together to select topics and discuss issues that are common across cultural resource professionals working on transportation projects. 


Looking forward, we have lots of opportunities to participate. Please join us!


Ongoing volunteer opportunities:


Thank you,

Mary Alfson Tinsman, AME60 Chair



AME60 will be phasing out our listserv (tied to our old name of ADC50), although we have not yet determined the timeline for that.

We want to maintain the wonderful AME60 network of transportation and CRM professionals, so please go into myTRB and make sure you are a “friend” of our committee if you are not currently a member.

Friends and members alike, please make sure your information in myTRB is current, including your email address. If you have changed jobs, retired, or just decided to use a personal email address, make sure the one you want to use for TRB is in your myTRB profile.