Day 1 - Atlantic Ocean

Day 1—Sunday, May 10, 1992

We awoke at noon after less than six hours of sleep, packed, and said goodbye to the kitties. Then we drove to my parents’ house and had a bite to eat. Afterward, my mom and dad drove us to the airport for our 6:05 p.m. flight on U.S. Air direct to Paris.

The flight was a few minutes late taking off but nothing to get upset about. The airline provided us with better than average service, including a decent dinner, two free beers, and a complimentary toiletry kit, including an item that appeared to be socks.

At about 10:00 p.m. we tried to get some sleep but dozed only lightly until midnight and not at all thereafter.


· Again our baggage consisted only of carry on. The only way to go.

· The flight was relatively smooth but with just enough turbulence to let you know where you were.

· The most unforgettable moment of the day was the look Rocky gave me as I left the house; it was truly heartbreaking.


As can be seen, this day involved no travel in France but rather only travel to France. And the only thing I remember about it is how hard it was to say goodbye to our three cats, and most of all our loveable, laid back tomcat Rocky. But we would send them lots of postcards from over there, letting them know that we missed them.