
This page provides various research outputs, such as toolkits, reports, news items and academic publications.

Resources 'Translation as Empowerment'

GOAL Learning Brief-COVID 19 and translation-final.pdf

GOAL (2021): 'Reaching millions through multilingual COVID-19 awareness messaging: a case study on translation and cultural adaptation in GOAL's information campaigns' (Learning Brief).

Training on Machine Translation used in our workshop 'Using Machine Translation ethically and efficiently at work' (April 2021) was produced by the INTERACT project and is available on YouTube.

2020-Conference presentation-Translating the Neighbourhood-Tesseur.pdf

Survey results of the language skills among GOAL staff: PDF of presentation slides (2020)

Panel 4_Tesseur.mp4

Survey results of the language skills among GOAL staff: Recording of presentation (Nov 2020)

Blog post 'Celebrating language skills', which describes the findings of the GOAL language survey, has been shared through the CHS Alliance's blog

Resources from the 'Listening Zones of NGOs' research

These are a selection of outputs from 'The Listening Zones of NGOs' project, the findings of which lie at the basis for the 'Translation as Empowerment' project.


Hilary Footitt, Angela Crack & Wine Tesseur (2020) Development NGOs and Languages: Listening, Power and Inclusion. Palgrave MacMillan.

Academic journal articles & book chapters

Full texts are accessible by clicking the hyperlinks.

Wine Tesseur (in press) Translation as inclusion? An analysis of international NGOs’ translation policy documents. Language Problems and Language Planning 45(3): 261–283. (Author accepted manuscript here. Publication as Open Access expected March 2022 here.)

Wine Tesseur (2022) Linguistic Hospitality and Listening through Interpreters: Critical Reflections and Recommendations on Linguistic Power Relationships in Multilingual Research. In: Prue Holmes, Judith Reynolds, and Sara Ganassin (eds). The Politics of Researching Multilingually. pp. 31-48. Multilingual Matters. Author accepted manuscript.

Wine Tesseur (2021) NGOs, media and translation. In: Esperança Bielsa (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Media. pp. 474-489. Routledge. Author accepted manuscript.

Wine Tesseur (2021) NGOs and translation. In: Yves Gambier & Luc van Doorslaer (eds) The Handbook of Translation Studies, Vol. 5. pp. 165-169. John Benjamins. Author accepted manuscript.

Wine Tesseur & Angela Crack (2020) ‘These are all outside words’: Translating development discourse in NGOs’ projects in Kyrgyzstan and Malawi. In: Carmen Delgado Luchner (ed.). Translation and Development. Special issue of Journal for Translation Studies in Africa 1: 25-42. Article accessible Open Access:

Wine Tesseur (2020) 'Local capacity building after crisis: the role of languages and translation in the work of development NGOs in Kyrgyzstan'. In: Sharon O’Brien & Federico Federici (eds). Translation in Cascading Crises. Special issue of Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 29 (2): 214-226. Author accepted manuscript.

Wine Tesseur (2020) ‘Listening, languages and the nature of knowledge and evidence: what we can learn from investigating ‘listening’ in NGOs’. In: Robert Gibb, Annabel Tremlett, and Julien Danero Iglesias (eds), Learning and Using Languages in Ethnographic Research. Multilingual Matters. Pre-review manuscript.

Wine Tesseur & Hilary Footitt (2019) 'Professionalisms at war? Interpreting in conflict and post-conflict situations'. In: Wine Tesseur (ed.). Translating in Danger Zones. Special issue of Journal of War and Culture Studies 12 (3). Author accepted manuscript.

Wine Tesseur (2019) 'Communication Is Aid — But Only if Delivered in the Right Language: An Interview with Translators without Borders on Its Work in Danger Zones'. In: Wine Tesseur (ed.). Translating in Danger Zones. Special issue of Journal of War and Culture Studies 12 (3). Author accepted manuscript.

Wine Tesseur (2018) ‘Researching translation and interpreting in Non-Governmental Organisations’ (Introduction to the special issue). In: Wine Tesseur (ed.). Translation and interpreting in Non-Governmental Organisations. Special issue of Translation Spaces 7(1): 1-19. Author accepted manuscript.

Wine Tesseur (2017) ‘The translation challenges of international NGOs: Professional and non-professional translation at Amnesty International’. Translation Spaces 6(2): 209-229. Author accepted manuscript.

Wine Tesseur (2017) ‘Incorporating translation into sociolinguistic research: translation policy in an international non-governmental organisation’. Journal of Sociolinguistics 21(5): 629–649. Author accepted manuscript.

Wine Tesseur (2014) 'Institutional Multilingualism in NGOs: Amnesty International’s Strategic Understanding of Multilingualism'. In: Traduction et plurilinguisme officiel / Translation and Official Multilingualism. Special issue of META 59(3): 557-577. Article accessible Open Access:

Christina Schaeffner, Sabina Luciana Tcaciuc & Wine Tesseur (2014) ‘Translation practices in political institutions: A comparison of national, supranational, and non-governmental organisations’. In: Translation in Institutions. Special issue of Perspectives 22(4): 493-510. Author accepted manuscript.

Anthony Pym, Gabriel González Núñez, Marta Miquel-Iriarte, Sara Ramos Pinto, Carlos S.C. Teixeira & Wine Tesseur (2014) ‘Work Placements in Doctoral Research Training in the Humanities: Eight Cases from Translation Studies’. Across Languages and Cultures 15(1): 1–23. Author accepted manuscript.

Wine Tesseur (2013) ‘Amnesty International’s language strategy put into practice: a case study of the translation of press releases’. In G. González Núñez, Y. Khaled & T. Voinova (eds), Emerging Research in Translation Studies: Selected Papers of the CETRA Research Summer School 2012. Leuven: CETRA. Article accessible open access:

Doctoral dissertation

Wine Tesseur (2014) 'Transformation through translation: translation policies at Amnesty International', PhD in Translation Studies, Aston University, Birmingham. Open access through Aston University.

Related projects

INTERACT is an H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Network aimed at researching translation in crisis scenarios. It brings together a unique combination of actors from social science, humanities, technology developers and humanitarian responders to collaborate and to educate each other. The network is led by Professor Sharon O'Brien (Dublin City University).

This 3-year interdisciplinary research project (2015-2018) was funded by the UK's Arts and Humanities Research Council and set out to investigate the role of languages and cultural knowledge in the work of international, UK-based development NGOs. It was led by Professor Hilary Footitt (University of Reading) with Dr Angela Crack (co-investigator, University of Portsmouth) and conducted in collaboration with INTRAC (Oxford). Dr Wine Tesseur worked as a postdoctoral researcher on the project.

A follow-on project to the Listening Zones, led by Dr Angela Crack (University of Portsmouth. The project aims to create a two-way Chichewa-English glossary for the use of stakeholders in the Malawi development sector, one of the poorest countries in the world and a Listening Zones country case study. The key innovation of this project is that the glossary will be generated using participatory methods in six workshops in Malawi of c.40 people total. Follow the progress of the project on Twitter: @DevGlossary