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While there are well-known examples of oceanic and riverine migratory occurrences, there may indeed be lesser-known or understudied migrations that are not as widely recognized. A few examples of such migrations are:

Deep-sea ecosystems, including hydrothermal vent communities and cold seeps, may host migratory species and behaviors that are not well-documented due to the challenges of studying these remote and extreme environments.

It is important to note that the study of animal migrations, whether in oceans or rivers, can be challenging due to the vastness of these ecosystems, the difficulty of tracking small or elusive species, and the logistical constraints of conducting research in aquatic environments. However, ongoing advances in technology, such as satellite tracking and environmental DNA analysis, are helping scientists uncover new insights into various migratory phenomena. As a result, our understanding of these migrations continues to evolve, and there may be many more fascinating migratory occurrences yet to be fully explored and documented.

Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes, particularly related to reproduction, can trigger migratory behavior in many animals. For example, the release of certain hormones can stimulate the urge to migrate and initiate the journey to breeding or spawning grounds.

The impact of climate change on the movement of people raises pressing questions about the management of climate-induced migration by national authorities and the protection of climate migrants. The relevance of this issue lies in its potential to reshape geopolitical dynamics, challenge legal frameworks requiring collaborative solutions that transcend borders.

In orthopedics there is a demand for determining migration of hip sockets by evaluation of standard radiographs. In this case problems are caused mainly by changing pelvis positions on the X-ray table at successive exposures. A method (EBRA) is described that evaluates standard AP radiographs without requiring additional means at exposure (e.g. ball markers). Simulating the spatial situation it computes parameters of longitudinal and transverse migration of prosthetic cup and femoral head. A comparability algorithm using a grid of transverse and longitudinal tangents of the pelvis contour divides serial radiographs into sets of comparable ones. Comparability of serial radiographs takes place if the distances of corresponding grid lines do not transcend a given limit L. Migration is measured only between comparable radiographs. Different studies are described concerning the interdependence of pelvis rotations and changes of the grid lines, the degree of pelvis rotations appearing in practice, the choice of the limit L, the properties of the comparability algorithm and the accuracy of EBRA. The 95% confidence limits for EBRA results are 1.0 mm for longitudinal and 0.8 mm for transverse migration.

Due to its being the leading inter-governmental organization specializing in migration, States frequently come to the IOM for assistance to help them address the complex challenges posed by border management. The Immigration and Border Management Division, a group of specialists with considerable technical skills and ample experience in this area, is strategically deployed both in the field and at IOM Headquarters, in order to offer assistance and expertise to governments that wish to improve their migratory procedures and border and operations management.

Comprehensive border management requires that all of the applicable authorities work together effectively and efficiently. Cooperation should not concern just that country itself, but rather should transcend its borders and include the relevant institutions in the neighboring countries. Comprehensive border management seeks to cover three areas of cooperation and coordination: between services, inter-institutional, and international.

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Automation Anywhere sees a future where automation liberates people from mundane tasks to solve more creative, higher order business challenges. Automation 360 is the only cloud-native intelligent automation platform, enabling companies to transcend front- and back-office silos and systems, both SaaS and legacy. Learn more at

The Jira Azure DevOps Migrator Bootstrapper is a companion utility for Jira Azure DevOps migrator PRO, which is designed to help you with getting started migrating issues from Jira to Azure DevOps as smoothly as possible and with as little friction as possible.

The Jira Test Management migrator (JTMM) from Solidify is a powerful tool designed to help you easily migrate your Jira test management data to Azure DevOps Test Plans. With this tool, you can migrate all your test data from Jira to Azure DevOps Test Plans without losing any data or compromising the integrity of your test management system, including:

This dissertation responds to the growing need to explore the intersection of migration and religion with a case study of Japanese-Brazilian (i.e. Nikkei) migrants who have converted to Pentecostalism in Japan. Their lives unfold at the intersection of two growing trends in contemporary globalization: return migration and global Pentecostalism. In Asia, it is increasingly common for nation-states to promote the "return" of their diasporic populations by devising legal systems that accommodate such movements. In Latin America, the fast-growing Pentecostal Christianity has been developing a global web of faith networks, oftentimes relying on the transnational mobility of Latin American migrants. This dissertation is among the first to investigate the phenomenon of religious revivalism among those who partake in return migration. It examines why and how Nikkei migrants convert to born-again Christianity in a country where Buddhist-Shinto syncretism predominates. I conducted 14 months of fieldwork at the churches of Brazilian denomination called Misso Apoio, primarily in Toyota, Japan. Using mixed methods, including participant-observation, interviews, and surveys, I found that many migrants experience Pentecostalism as "the third culture" that can help them transcend the world of ethno-national boundaries, where they have long been placed in in-between space of hyphenated identity. The dissertation focuses on five major themes to analyze the interrelations between ambiguous ethnic identity, contested national belonging, and conversion to Pentecostalism: time, kinship, affect, self, and belief. From different angles, it illuminates how migrant converts start to reinterpret their ambiguous national belonging as a spiritual asset with which to realize the impermanence of man-made realities such as "nation." In other words, the experience of living "between" nations has sensitized them to the ethical vision of "transnational transcendence," in which they see themselves as conveyers of morality and godliness in the global mission to evangelize. Despite the numerous predictions that have been made about its wane, religion remains a pervasive and contentious force in the new century. This project helps understand why Pentecostalism has flourished at some of the most fluid and contested boundaries of the globalizing world today.

Despite this progress to understand migration ecology, migration has often eluded scientists. Most tracking data comes from adult migrants, while movement data from younger animals is limited. Migration knowledge is thought to transcend generations by younger individuals learning where and when to migrate from their parents or other conspecifics (Nelson 1998). Jesmer et al. (2018) has shown that after a period of extinction from an area, reintroduced bighorn sheep and moose failed to migrate in the first generation because they lacked cultural knowledge of their new habitat (Jesmer et al., 2018). But after multiple generations populations learned the landscape and the timing of the green wave and through social learning gained the ability to migrate once again. Although social learning is assumed to be the mechanism, how learning happens has been little studied. For example, in White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), Nelson (1998) showed that the white tailed deer teach their offspring to migrate by having them accompany them along their migration route (Nelson 1998). When their offspring get older, they occupy the same migration route as their mothers, showing evidence of social learning where young learn from their mothers. These cases are important because the animals studied showed evidence of learning from their mothers and others by watching them how to migrate. This contrasts teaching it would imply that the mothers would have to show the fawns hot to migrate. Byholm et al, 2022 found that migration knowledge in Caspian terns (Hydroprogne caspia) was transmitted by the fathers who accompanied the young terns to their wintering range for their first migration. This shows evidence of the parents teaching their young how to migrate thus teaching migrational ability to the younger generation which is the basis for the Social Learning Hypothesis. The Social Learning Hypothesis is the mechanism by which organisms are taught how to migrate by watching and accompanying their parents with them during their migration seasons. Jakopak et al. (2019) showed that mule deer have the ability to omit their parent migration route after learning that route and could complete an entirely different migration after the abandonment of the animal by their mother (Jakopak et al., 2019). In this study, a female fawn migrated away from their parental home range and back to complete a full season of migration while having no prior knowledge of the landscape before migrating. This shows the importance of spatial memory as a key mechanism that underpins all types of migration learning. While previous studies have shown that the ability to migrate in ungulates must be learned (Jesmer et al. 2018), there is no context where the ability to migrate is innate thus showing that social learning or being taught by parents is not studied enough to be the predictor of how ungulates and animals learn how to migrate showing the gap in the current knowledge of how migration transcends generations. 589ccfa754

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