Each week I will add new instructables to this guide that will teach you a new knitting technique. These knitting lessons have video tutorials and written instructions with photographs. After a couple lessons I will tell you what projects you can now make with these new skills!


 Lets start by thanking everyone for helping me win the UP! contest. I won... can you believe it. Without your support this would not have been possible.

 As promised I have released all of the source files. You can find them on my thingiverse page. If someone wants the schematics and the firmware, I can upload them, but the program is really simple. It measures the potmeters, remaps the values to servo angles and transmits those angles to the servo's.

 Now for the sad part. I have completed this project. I will no longer be working on this project. This is where you guys come in. My electronics and programming skills are limited. I have heard you guys talk of some amazing ideas, and I really want to see some of them working. So go modify the parts to your needs, print and make this GlaDOS even more awesome than it already is. Amaze me.

 Dragonator out.

 end of edit

 After all of the interest, I have devoted a page of my instructable for personal updates, comments and answers for some questions.

 First things first, Where you can and can't expect me. I am not on reddit, tumblr, twitter, google plus or any other social media. Places where you will find me is here (instructables), thingiverse (also as dragonator) and on youtube (as ytecinventions). Right now, I will not use any other medium to publish or comment on.

 Expect some parts to be slightly modified. I am continuing to find small problems is some parts (mainly the base). I have already replaced the base drive train (mostly gears) over four times before I got to a solution that could handle the raw strength.

 For everyone that is speculating whatever is wrong with the electronics. I already knew what the problem was way before I posted this. I tried containing everything in the base. There only was a 12V line in the base. I used a 7805 to create the 5V from the 12V. This part dissipates every volt that is above 5V, all the way up to 1A. I slightly underestimated the current that some servo's could draw. The 7805 is the part that heats up to dangerous temperatures in no time at all. For any of you concerned that there are some serious problems, there are not. I am already busy working with (not just on) the solution.

 Those of you that wanted all of the electronics to fit in the base, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news, I'm postponing any attempts indefinitely. Good news is, I've got a much better solution. By placing the electronics outside of the base, I created a lot more room for them.

 Thing I will and won't do:

 - I will make this thing move;

 - I will make this thing controllable by the controller that you have seen in the final thoughts;

 - I might do a tracking system at some point, purely out of curiosity, but such things take tons of time, and I do not have any idea yet how to do it. The idea interests me, but doing it seems like a TON of work;

 - I will NOT make her talk, The last thing I want her to do is make fat jokes.

 Q & A

Why isn't there a video?

 There is a video in the page above dummy, Go watch it right now.

Is there going to be a video if you do not win?

 See the question above.

Is this thing for sale?

 No it isn't. Also I can't be commissioned to make one, I am way too busy as it is. I might be persuaded to make and sell garage kits if I win, but for that I will need an UP! of my own.

Can I (and with that I mean you guys) post this on shapeways?

 Yes. As long as you credit to the original source, you can. I was trying to convert these to a size that would be reasonable for shapeways, but I don't have the time for it.

Will you post the source files?

 It's the end of the UP! contest and the closure of the lamps and lighting contest, so there is no reason to hold on to these files any longer. I have put them on my thingiverse page. Happy tinkering.

Why don't you just use a fan to cool the electronics?

 Two reasons, One: There simply isn't enough room in the base. Two: Electronics heating up that dramatically is usually a sign of things being wrong.

 (PS. to everyone that showed me that glados look like a bound, upside down woman... Thanks for that image, I now have a bound woman on my ceiling. Just great)

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I am participate in contests right here on instructables. In one of them (microcontroller contest) there is macbook air as a grand prize. It could help me with calibrating PID for my drone because right now I haven't any laptop that I can go outside with so there is no way to calibrate it perfectly. I am also working on an app with my friend we want to publish it before holidays. We have a very very good idea for it and it can be very popular, I can't tell you what is it I can just tell you name of it - Socialize. We are finishing android version of this app. As you may know to make an iphone app you need t have apple computer. We haven't one and we haven't money for it :( So it will also help me with developing IOS version of our map that I will inform you about shortly. If you want to vote for my project you can do it by clicking vote! in upper right corner and then selecting contest in which you want vote for me. Thanks everyone! :D 589ccfa754

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