Peer-reviewed Articles
Mounier A, Manthi FK, Bosch MD, Sanchez-Dehesa Galán S, Chapon-Sao C, Achyuthan H, Bahain J-J, Daujeard C, Delagnes A, Edung JE, Falguères C, Foley RA, Hautavoine H, Noens G, Stoetzel E, Tombret O, Waithira J, Baelen AV, Marín J, Vidal C, Mirazon Lahr M. 2023. Kanyimangin: the Early to Middle Pleistocene Transition in the south-west of the Turkana Basin. Antiquity. 97, E25.
Invited Seminars
Mounier A. 2023. Kanyimangin: The Early to Middle Pleistocene transition in the South of the Turkana Basin (Kenya). NG’IPALAJEM Project Meetings, Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom).
Mounier A. 2023. Kanyimangin : la transition Pléistocène inférieur-Pléistocène moyen dans le sud du bassin Turkana (Kenya). Réunion Scientifique UMR7194, Musée de l'Homme (France).
Mounier A. 2022. The Trans-Evol project: Filling Gaps in Hominin Evolution at the Early to Middle Pleistocene Transition. Turkana Basin Institute Virtual Seminars.
Peer-reviewed Abstracts
Vidal CM, Feibel C, Nutz A, Mologni C, Achyuthan H, Edung JE, Manthi FK, Bosch MD, Sánchez‐Dehesa Galán S, Mirazon Lahr M, Foley R, Mounier A, Lane C. 2024. Progress on the Pliocene tephrostratigraphy in the West Turkana Basin (Kenya). Commission on Tephrochronology, CoT-Intimate-THM, Catanio (Sicily, Italy).
Bosch MD, Marin J, Vidal C, Chapon-Sao C, Sánchez-Dehesa Galán S, Edung, JE, Arlegi M, Hautavoine H, Van Baelen A, Waithira J, Wagner A, Foley RA, Manthi FK, Mirazón Lahr M, Mounier A. 2024. New insights into Kanyimangin: an Early to Middle Pleistocene site in West-Turkana, Kenya. Eastern African Association for Palaeoanthropology and Palaeontology (EAAPP) Conference, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).
Sánchez-Dehesa Galán S, Vidal C, Edung, JE, Arlegi M, Atadeit P, Bosch MD, Chapon-Sao C, Eporon AP, Eporon PE, Hautavoine H, Kaptai R, Marin J, N’Gchilia R, Van Baelen A, Wagner A, Foley RA, Manthi FK, Mirazón Lahr M, Mounier A. 2024. Handaxe Accumulation and Cleaver Production: New Perspectives on Acheulean Diversity in West Turkana. Eastern African Association for Palaeoanthropology and Palaeontology (EAAPP) Conference, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).
Bosch MD, Marin J, Vidal C, Chapon-Sao C, Sánchez-Dehesa Galán S, Edung, JE, Hautavoine H, Waithira J, Van Baelen A, Foley RA, Manthi FK, Mirazón Lahr M, Mounier A. 2023. Kanyimangin: a new 1 million years old sit in West-Turkana, Kenya. XXI International Union for Quaternary Research Congress. 14th-20th July 2023. Rome
Sánchez-Dehesa Galán S, Bosch MD, Marin J, Vidal C, Chapon-Sao C, Edung JE, Hautavoine H, Waithira J, Van Baelen A, Foley RA, Manthi FK, Mirazón Lahr M, Mounier A. 2023. A new Early and Middle Stone Age site in West Turkana, Kenya. XXI International Union for Quaternary Research Congress. 14th-20th July 2023. Rome
Mounier A, Sánchez-Dehesa Galán S, Manthy FK, Achyuthan H, Bahain JJ, Bosch M, Chapon-Sao C, Daujeard C, Delagnes A, Edung JE, Falguères C, Foley R, Hautavoine H, Marín J, Noens G, Stoetzel E, Tombret O, Van Baelen A, Vidal C, Mirazón Lahr M. 2022. The Trans-Evol project: filling gaps in hominin evolution at the Early to Middle Pleistocene Transition. Eastern African Association for Palaeoanthropology and Palaeontology (EAAPP) Conference, Arusha (Tanzania).
Mounier A, Manthy FK, Achyuthan H, Bahain JJ, Bosch M, Chapon-Sao C, Daujeard C, Delagnes A, Edung JE, Falguères C, Foley R, Hautavoine H, Marín J, Noens G, Sánchez-Dehesa Galán S, Stoetzel E, Tombret O, Van Baelen A, Vidal C, Mirazón Lahr M. 2022. The Trans-Evol project: filling gaps in hominin evolution at the Early to Middle Pleistocene Transition. BMSAP, 34 Supplément.
Fieldwork Reports
Mounier A, Manthi FK, Mirazón Lahr M, Achyuthan H, Arlegi M, Bahain JJ, Bosch M, Chapon-Sao C, Daujeard C, Delagnes A, Edung JE, Falguères C, Foley R, Hautavoine H, Karrar O, Marín J, Mwendwa B, Noens G, Nutz A, Sánchez-Dehesa Galán S, Stoetzel E, Tombret O, Van Baelen A, Vidal C. 2024. Trans-Evol – Annual Report, French Foreign Office – Archeaological exploration and excavations in the Kerio Basin, West Turkana Basin, Kenya, 57p.
Mounier A, Manthi FK, Mirazón Lahr M, Achyuthan H, Arlegi M, Aureli C, Bahain JJ, Bosch M, Chapon-Sao C, Daujeard C, Delagnes A, Edung JE, Falguères C, Foley R, Hautavoine H, Kaptai R, Marín J, Noens G, Sánchez-Dehesa Galán S, Stoetzel E, Tombret O, Van Baelen A, Vidal C, Wahitira J, Wagner A. 2023. Trans-Evol – Annual Report, French Foreign Office – Archeaological exploration and excavations in the Kerio Basin, West Turkana Basin, Kenya, 58p.
Mounier A, Manthi FK, Mirazón Lahr M, Achyuthan H, Bahain JJ, Bosch M, Chapon-Sao C, Daujeard C, Delagnes A, Edung JE, Falguères C, Foley R, Hautavoine H, Marín J, Noens G, Sánchez-Dehesa Galán S, Stoetzel E, Tombret O, Van Baelen A, Vidal C, Wahitira J. 2022. Trans-Evol – Annual Report, French Foreign Office – Archeaological exploration and excavations in the Kerio Basin, West Turkana Basin, Kenya, 68p.
Mounier A, Manthi FK, Mirazón Lahr M, Achyuthan H, Bahain JJ, Bosch M, Chapon-Sao C, Daujeard C, Delagnes A, Edung JE, Falguères C, Foley R, Hautavoine H, Marín J, Noens G, Sánchez-Dehesa Galán S, Stoetzel E, Tombret O, Van Baelen A, Vidal C. 2021. Trans-Evol – Annual Report, Turkana Basin Institute – Archaeological exploration and excavation in the Kerio Basin, West Turkana Basin, Kenya, 63p.
Mounier A, Manthi FK, Mirazón Lahr M, Achyuthan H, Bahain JJ, Bosch M, Chapon-Sao C, Daujeard C, Delagnes A, Edung JE, Falguères C, Foley R, Hautavoine H, Marín J, Noens G, Sánchez-Dehesa Galán S, Stoetzel E, Tombret O, Van Baelen A, Vidal C. 2020. Trans-Evol – Annual report, French Foreign Office – Archaeological exploration and excavation in the Kerio Basin, West Turkana Basin, Kenya 47p.
Mounier A, Manthi FK, Mirazón Lahr M, Achyuthan H, Bahain JJ, Bosch M, Chapon-Sao C, Daujeard C, Delagnes A, Edung JE, Falguères C, Foley R, Marín J, Noens G, Sánchez-Dehesa Galán S, Stoetzel E, Tombret O, Van Baelen A, Vidal C. 2019. Trans-Evol – Annual report, French Foreign Office – Archaeological exploration in the Kerio Basin, West Turkana, Kenya, 48p.
Mounier A, Manthi FK, Mirazón Lahr M, Achyuthan H, Bahain JJ, Bosch M, Chapon-Sao C, Daujeard C, Delagnes A, Edung JE, Falguères C, Foley R, Marín Hernando J, Stoetzel E, Sánchez-Dehesa Galán S, Tombret O, Van Baelen A, Vidal C. 2018. Trans-Evol – Annual report, French Foreign Office – Archaeological exploration of the Kanyimangin site (Kenya) 08/2018, 46p.
Mounier A, Manthi FK, Mirazón Lahr M, Achyuthan H, Edung JE, Foley R, Van Baelen. 2017. Trans-Evol – Annual report, French Foreign Office - South Turkana County archaeological survey. Exploration of Kanyimangin and Kanapoi archaeological localities 08/2017, 38p.
Mounier A, Mirazón Lahr M, Rivera F, Foley R. 2017. South Turkana County archaeological survey – 2nd to 6th August 2017. Report fieldwork – NMK 08/2017, 9p.