Collaborators & Partners of the Trans-Evol project

Trans-Evol is a collaboration between the CNRS-MNHN research unit Histoire Naturelle de l'Homme Préhistorique UMR7194 (Paris, France), the National Museums of Kenya (Nairobi) and the Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies (University of Cambridge, UK). It relies on a large collaborative network of specialists from several international institutions and the fieldwork is highly dependent upon a specialized team of Turkana field assistants.

Trans-Evol is supported logistically by the Turkana Basin Institute, the French Embassy in Nairobi and the IFRA (Nairobi Kenya). 

The project is financially supported by the CNRS (International Research Project Trans-Evol LIA1262, CNRS/INEE), by the French Foreign Office (Missions archéologiques françaises soutenues par le Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires Etrangères) and by a Fyssen Foundation Research Grant.

Trans-Evol field seasons are led in cooperation with the In Africa project.



Ann Van Baelen, KU Leuven, University of Leuven

Sol Sánchez‐Dehesa Galán, UMR TEMPS 8068, Université Paris Nanterre - Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and the Evolution of Human Behaviour 

Joyce Waithira, University of Nairobi

Anne Delagnes, UMR5199, CNRS

Geology - Geochronology

Jean-Jacques Bahain, UMR7194, MNHN

Cécile Chapon‐Sao, UMR 7194, CNRS

Hema Achyuthan , Anna University (Chennai)

Christophe Falguères, UMR 7194, CNRS

Robert Foley, King's College - Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

Alexis Nutz, CEREGE, Université Aix-Marseille

Olivier Tombret, UMR7194, MNHN

Céline Vidal, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge

Jean-Luc Schwenninger, School of Archaeology, University of Oxford

Palaeontology - Zooarchaeology

Fredrick Kyalo Manthi, National Museums of Kenya 

Justus Erus Edung, National Museums of Kenya 

Marjolein Bosch, Austrian Academy of Sciences - Austrian Archaeological Institute 

Camille Daujeard, UMR7194, CNRS 

Juan Marín Hernando, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia

Emmanuelle Stoetzel, UMR7194, CNRS


Mikel Arlegi, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

Hugo Hautavoine, UMR7194, MNHN

Marta Mirazón Lahr, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

Aurélien Mounier, UMR7194, CNRS


Paris, France

Cambridge, United Kingdom

Nairobi, Kenya 

Paris, France

French Embassy, Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya

Paris, France

Funding bodies

IRP Trans-Evol (LIA1262)

Mission archéologique Trans-Evol

Research Grant