Please note that resources provided here are only for personal use and not for distribution or publication. These are provided to share information with participants in discussion groups conducted by Dr. Wharton and Dr. Cubillos, and most are available publicly, or through your local university library or the publishing company.
Ongoing research on immigration to Central Florida and Colombia is being done as part of a partnership between UCF ( and Pontificia Javeriana Universidad de Bogotá, Instituto de Salud Publica (
Researchers (Investigators):
Tracy Wharton
Andrés Cubillos Novella (Pontificia Javeriana Universidad, Bogotá)
Angélica María Vargas-Monroy (Pontificia Javeriana Universidad, Bogotá)
María Alexandra Amaya (Universidad de Santander, Colombia)
Bernardo Ramirez (UCF)
Heather Peralta (UCF)
Our research assistants for this work are:
Matthew Abrams, UCF College of Medicine
Oscar Franco-Suárez, Pontificia Javeriana Universidad
Johanna Paola Torres-Pedraza, Pontificia Javeriana Universidad
María Alejandra Riveros-Pinzón, Pontificia Javeriana Universidad
Gilarys Garcia, UCF School of Social Work
Please check out our most recent publications:
Cubillos A, Vargas-Monroy AM, Wharton T. Migración de venezolanos a Florida Central, Estados Unidos: aspectos relacionados con la percepción de condiciones y necesidades de salud mental en 2019. (Immigration of Venezuelans to Central Florida, United States: aspects related to the perception of condition and needs of mental health in 2019). Rev Gerenc Polit Salud. 2020;19(39). DOI:[A1] (Management & Politics of Health Review).
Abrams, M., Wharton, T., Cubillos-Novella, A., Vargas, A., & Riveros, M. (2022). Fractured Families and Social Networks: Identifying Risk and Resilience Factors for Supporting Positive Mental Health in Venezuelan Immigrant Groups. Journal of Families, Health, & Society, 40(3), 354-363. doi: 10.1037/fsh0000721
This is the presentation from the 2020 SSWR conference.
Ibero-American Observatory on Human Mobility, Migration and Development (OBIMID):
América Latina en las Dinámicas de la Migración Internacional. Perspectívas críticas (book chapter):
Development of Psychosomatic Medicine in the Latin American Region (book chapter):
Cross-Cultural Communication Mental Health, Public Policies and Primary Health Care in Colombia (article):
Mental Health, Public Policies and Primary Health Care in Colombia (article):
De la migración al retornola inclusión ciudadana de los jóvenes retornados del exterior a la ciudad de Bogotá (book chapter):
(Op Ed) El Espectador newspaper- El derecho la salud no tiene nacionalidad:
Identidades transnacionales: Jóvenes colombianos en contextos de migración internacional (book):