Eval learning resources

EvalResource 9 AEA Evaluator Competencies.pdf

Materials provided here are for learning purposes only and are the property of the creator of the materials, with all appropriate copyrights attached. While these may be downloaded for personal use only, these materials may not be used for presentation, shared or altered beyond what is provided here, or used without attribution.

Evalresource_defining a prog and ethics issues.pptx

This ppt contains info on defining a program and also about basic IRB and ethics concepts.

Evalresource Program evaluation.pptx

This ppt has info on formative and summative eval types, culture and logic model design.

Evalresource class ppt week 4 Measures and Logic Models.pptx

Types of performance measures and building out a logic model.

Evalresource 1 additional textbook_cdc.DevelopingAnEffectiveEvaluationPlan.pdf
Evalresource 9 Simple Steps to Effective Focus Groups_Slides1.pdf
ResearchResource surveys and activity.pptx

This is an unconventional example of a logic model and how they can look like many things.

Researchresource PICO and lit review basics.pptx

PICO questions and lit review basics

ResearchResources quant concepts .pptx
ResearchResource Correlation or Causation? - Businessweek.pdf
ResearchResource Conceptualization & Measurement_Conceptualization and Measurementonline.pptx
ResearchResource paradigms and validity.ppt
ResearchResource Qual lecture outline.doc
ResearchResource Ethics and IRB.ppt