

Part 1: Introductory courses

N.K. Chidambaram – Moduli space of curves and its intersection theory

P. GregoriResurgence

Part 2: Advanced courses

R. Kramer – Reducible topological recursion

P. Lorenzoni – Hamiltonian systems and Dubrovin–Frobenius manifolds

K. Osuga – Super topological recursion


Please use the links below to view and download video recordings of each lecture. You may also use the following link to access all files.

Part 1: Introductory courses

B. Eynard – Introduction to topological recursion

E. Garcia-Failde – Counting maps and matrix models

D. Lewański – Hurwitz theory

Part 2: Advanced courses

G. Borot – Moduli space of curves and Givental formalism

B. Eynard – Deformation theory in topological recursion

N. Orantin and O. Marchal – Quantum curves