5 – 16 September 2022


Otranto, Apulia (IT)

We are excited to announce TR Salento 2022, a School + Workshop on Topological Recursion and related topics which will take place on September 5th – 16th 2022 in Otranto, Salento region, in the South of Italy.

This event is part of the ERC Synergy Project ReNewQuantum.

Event organisers: B. Eynard, E. Garcia-Failde, A. Giacchetto, D. Lewański, D. Mitsios.

For info contact danilo.lewanski@unige.ch and alessandro.giacchetto@ipht.fr.

Let us know if you'll be attending!

Introductory Courses
(Sept 5 - 8)

  • Introduction to topological recursion, moduli space of curves, resurgence
  • Lecturers: B. Eynard, N.K. Chidambaram, P. Gregori

Advanced Courses
(Sept 9 - 13)

  • Lie algebras and topological recursion, reducible topological recursion, Hamiltonian systems and Frobenius manifolds, super topological recursion
  • Lecturers: R. Belliard, R. Kramer, P. Lorenzoni, K. Osuga

Open Problems Workshop
(Sept 14 - 16)

  • Possibility for senior researchers to propose open problems and attract a team of interested young researchers to work with
  • Opportunity for young researchers to work on exciting new problems in a collaborative environment