Year 2

Week 2 - Listen + Imagine

Hi Year 2!

Our Mini Musical Moment this week is about
"An Ordinary Dog."

Have a listen to the song, then answer the questions below

An Ordinary Dog.mp3


After you listened to the song, can you answer these questions?

1) Does it sound like the singer is describing an ordinary dog?
2) Can you name the instrument that is playing with the singer?
3) There are some interesting animals mentioned in the song -
google the ones you don't know!


DRAW what you imagine this dog might look like!
(Don't forget to add all the animal parts: part of a gorilla, bear, hair like a shaggy yack,
emu legs, teeth sharp like a shark's, platypus feet, African aardvark nose!)


Have a sing along!

I'd love to see what your ordinary dog looks like!
Send it to or post it in your class Seesaw!

If you would like something extra to do, go back to the Week 1 Choice Board
or pop over to the
Bonus Fun to choose another activity!

Happy Music Making!!