Digital Leadership
Develop and implement a shared vision (strategic plans, policies, procedures, and programs) for the comprehensive integration of technology to support transformational change in my preferred educational setting (NETS-A.1, NETS-C.1).
During ECI 518, I created an evaluation plan for a 1:1 Digital Pilot program which was planned for the following school year in a K-5 school for which I was hired as an Instructional Technology Facilitator.
The formative evaluation below was created to drive decision-making based on data collected prior to and during the pilot program to support implementation and set goals for further teacher support efforts. I continue to use strategic goal-setting when making decisions with our Digital Learning team. Follow our journey at the Twitter hashtag #EESLearnAndLead which is embedded below with the use of Awesome-Tables and Tags 6.1 as modeled by Ben Wilkoff
The video below was produced during ECI 518 as a promotional tool for a fictional school district's strategic technology plan. It outlines the four components of the plan, while highlighting how a district would seek input by community stakeholders.
During ECI 519, I worked asynchronously with a team to devise a training program based on a problem of practice. Challenges of working towards consensus, meeting deadlines while balancing work and life among four people were overcome to create the document below.