Digital Inquiry
Collect and analyze data to assess digital learning needs and/or evaluate the impact of digital learning in authentic settings (NETS-A.4, NETS-C.4).
During ECI 519 learning analytics were applied for social network analysis of Twitter following the NCTIES Conference to answer the question:
To what extent and in what ways do conference participants contribute to the #NCTIES17 Digital Professional Learning Network?
During the execution of this project, my own data was scooped up by CBS News in a follow up story about how viewers reacted to a story by Anderson Cooper. The irony was not lost on me and I plan to be more careful about "public" tweets, while refusing to set my account to private. For what would be the point as I continue to build my Digital Professional Learning Network?
(Screen capture grabbed from
My tweet scooped by CBS News
The case study below was conducted with a virtual team during ECI 519 to analyze the use of a software program to achieve goals with problem-based learning and make recommendations for improvement.