ECEN 4616/5616: Optoelectronic System Design, Spring 2016
Course Documents:_______________________________________________________
Syllabus --- The syllabus for the course.
Thurs April 21: Here is a cool website that lets you examine an aberrated wavefront.
Wed April 20: Here are some job and internship announcements from zemax. Also, a job for an optical engineer in front range.
Tues April 19: If you are trying to learn Zemax, check out the OpticsRealm tutorials, and also this guide (pdf) from Zemax. This one is not bad, either. It's an older version, but it checks out.
Tues April 12: Download Zemax! Instructions here, I will send you the IP address of the keyserver in an email this evening. Also, Thursday April 14th will be a special guest lecture on "Imager" from the company FiveFocal, I will send out instructions for Imager tonight as well.
Tues April 12: Milestone 4 due
Thurs March 31: Zemax is starting! Download yours, I will send info about the key ASAP. Instructions here.
Thurs March 17: In-class Midterm
Thurs March 10: Milestone 3 due
Check out these cool simulations, this fun "test bench", let me know if you find any other cool optics-related resources online.
Thurs Feb 25: HW3 due --- due date delayed to Tues March 1
Thurs Feb 18: Milestone 2 due
Feb 1: HW 1 has been graded and will be handed back in class, HW2 has been assigned.
Jan 26: Milestone 1 due date has been pushed back to Tues, Feb 2.
Lecture Materials:________________________________________________________
Lecture#1, (12 Jan 2016): Motivation of OESD. Also, notes on rays and Fermat's principle.
Lecture#2, (14 Jan 2016): Notes on Huygen's, irradiance, and graphical ray tracing intro.
Lecture#3, (19 Jan 2016): Notes on ray tracing (comments to accompany MATLAB code) for lenses and mirrors.
I made some MATLAB functions for simple thin lens ray tracing.
positive lens ray tracing function
negative lens ray tracing function
Lecture#4, (21 Jan 2016): Notes on sign convention, the "conjugate equation," and the Power of refracting surfaces
Short set of slides on eyes.
Lecture#5, (26 Jan 2016): Notes on throw, magnification, and one-component design problems.
Lecture#6, (28 Jan 2016): Notes with some questions from last time, a mirror design problem, longitudinal magnification, and the telescopic microscope!
Lecture#7, (2 Feb 2016): Class canceled due to snow.
Lecture#8, (4 Feb 2016): Notes about review of HW1, begin Ch 4 Gaussian Optics and h/u ray tracing, positive/negative lens pair example.
Lecture #9, (9 Feb 2016): Notes about the tabular method of ray tracing, with examples of a single thin lens and an "achromatic doublet." Some review of example from Lecture#8 (to be continued next time).
Also: these three matlab files doing a simple ray tracing example. Single ray, bundle of rays, and the equivalent system.
Lecture #10, (11 Feb 2016): Notes about effective focal length, Cassegrain mirror, angular magnification in telescopes. Also three matlab files doing ray traces for a pair of lenses collimating a point source, ray traces as inter-lens distance is varied, and a Cassegrain mirror ray trace. Also a presentation to go with it including a discussion of telescopes.
Lecture #11, (16 Feb 2016): Notes about the optical invariant and Principal Planes.
Lecture #12, (18 Feb 2016): Notes about Y-U ray tracing and hints for HW3, more about principal planes
Also some example plots from my Y-U ray tracing for your viewing pleasure.
Lecture #13, (23 Feb 2016): Notes about EFL, principal planes, and reference conjugates of non-unity magnification, more hints for HW3
Lecture #14, (25 Feb 2016): Notes finishing chapter 4, including combining 2 pairs of principal planes, nodal points, and principal planes of thick lenses
Also, a presentation on nodal points, thick lenses, and a study of the "surgeon's spectacles" design problem.
Lecture #15, (1 Mar 2016): Notes about Aperture stop, entrance and exit pupils, marginal and chief rays (starting chapter 5).
Also, a presentation with MATLAB plots of a 5-lens system with an Aperture Stop and the Entrance and Exit pupils.
Lecture #16, (3 Mar 2016): Notes practicing with Aperture stop, entrance and exit pupils, marginal and chief rays, with a Keplerian telescope example.
Also, a presentation with MATLAB plots of a Keplerian Telescope.
Lecture #17, (8 Mar 2016): Notes how to find the Stops (in YU), vignetting, NA F# and DOF
Lecture #18, (10 Mar 2016): Notes about the limits of paraxial optics, the optical invariant, and a Keplerian telescope with a field lens to avoid vignetting.
Also, a presentation with MATLAB plots of the optical invariant and a Keplerian telescope with a field lens.
Lecture #19, (15 Mar 2016): Notes of topics, lectures #1-18.
Also, a presentation with some exam details.
Lecture #20, (17 Mar 2016): Midterm exam covering lectures #1-19.
Lecture #21, (29 Mar 2016): Midterm exam---solutions review. Here is the presentation with some solutions, and hints regarding the "re-do" problems.
Lecture #22, (31 Mar 2016): Notes introducing radiometry and photometry.
Lecture #23, (5 April 2016): Notes finishing up radiometry (Lambertian source, constant brightness Theorem)
with a brief discussion of Milestone 4 at the beginning.
Lecture #24, (7 April 2016): A presentation on optical systems. Also, a story about the Mauna Kea/Thirty Meter Telescope controversy.
Lecture #25, (12 April 2016): Notes about chromatic aberrations (Chapter 7). Milestone 4 due.
Lecture #26, (14 April 2016): Special Guest Lecture! Kenny Kubala from FiveFocal will be showing us FiveFocal's "Imager" software. Here is his brief presentation, although most of the lecture was spent at the Imager terminal. I took some brief notes. If you want to see Imager at work, check out FiveFocal's blog for more videos with Dr. Kubala. For example, here's a tutorial on Calling Imager’s Command Line API from Matlab.
Lecture #27, (19 April 2016): Monochromatic Aberrations (brief intro presentation) and zemax demonstrations. The zemax demos are available in a thorough series of screenshots here: 0:setup, 1:telescope, 2:magnifier, 3:samples.
Lecture #28, (21 April 2016): More detailed presentation on monochromatic aberrations (Chapter 7, section 3), and more zemax demo screenshots (analysis and some brief optimization).
Lecture #29, (26 April 2016): Presentation with project and presentation logistics, a zemax paraxial zoom lens example, and some analysis examples.
Lecture #30, (28 April 2016): Project Presentations.
"Final", (Thursday 5 May 2016, 1:30-4:00, normal room): Project Presentations. Projects due.
HW1: Homework #1, due Thurs Jan 21
Milestone 1, due Tue Feb 2 (see project description below).
Here are some practice problems and the solutions. The latter ones are a little past us, for now.
HW2, due Tuesday Feb 9: Problem 1: Mouroulis & Macdonald, 3.9
Problem 2: Mouroulis & Macdonald, 3.12
Problem 3: Mouroulis & Macdonald, 3.15
Problem 4: Mouroulis & Macdonald, 3.18
Problem 5: For 3.18, pick reasonable values for all parameters to verify your result, and make an accurate sketch as validation.
Problem 6 (grads only): Mouroulis & Macdonald, 3.19
Note: Please indicate clearly at the top of your homework if you are in 4616 or 5616, this helps me.
Milestone 2, due Thurs Feb 18.
HW3: Y-U Ray tracing program, due Tues March 1
Milestone 3, due Thurs March 10
Milestone 4, due April 12th (Tuesday). See lecture notes from April 5th (lecture #23) for details on what to include in MS4.
Milestone 1 details, due Tues Feb 2
Milestone 2 details, due Thurs Feb 18
Milestone 3 details, due Thurs March 10
Example Projects:
Project #1: Achromatic confocal microscope
Project #2: Adaptive Optic Telescope
Project #3: Direct retinal projection
Project #4: DVD Optical System Design