Issues in Education

Issues in Education 2021:

Queer Concerns

Date: Currently being rescheduled for 2021

Time: 14:30 to 17:00

Location: TBA

Fee: Free for members, 1000 yen for non-members

This will be our first annual panel discussion on issues that we believe are important for educators, researchers, administrators to know about, care about, and take proactive steps regarding. Each year, we will choose a topic and invite a variety of speakers to speak on their experience, their research, and their opinions regarding the topic. Following the panel discussion, we will have time to summarize the key findings and think about possible steps we can take to improve the situation.

Speaker Bios

Daisuke Watanabe

Associate professor at Saitama University Center for Research in General Education. His current research focuses on gender/sexuality education. His works include "Diversity and Life Learned from Manga Worksheets" (Kodo no Miraisha, 2019), "What is Diversity in Sex? (Question box for junior high school students)" (Heibonsha, 2018), "Significance of queer pedagogy as an educational practice," "Opening queer studies 1" (Kyoyo Shobo, 2019), etc.

Elin McCready

Elin McCready is Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at Aoyama Gakuin University, where she has taught since 2006. Her research is on semantics and pragmatics, with focus on expressive content, social meaning, and evidentiality. She is the author of Reliability in Pragmatics (Oxford University Press, 2015) and The Semantics and Pragmatics of Honorification: Register and Social Meaning (Oxford University Press, 2019), an editor of volumes including Epistemology for the Rest of the World (Oxford University Press, 2018) and Formal Semantics and Pragmatics: Japanese and Beyond (Springer, 2014), articles in journals including Linguistics and Philosophy, Semantics & Pragmatics and Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, as well as many papers in edited volumes and conference proceedings.

Michael Ellis

Mike Ellis is the EFL program coordinator at International Christian University High School. His research interests include reflective teaching practice and the use of CLIL to highlight marginalized groups. He is currently program chair of TD SIG.

Sara K. Ellis

Sara K. Ellis is a Lambda Emerging Writers Fellow and Milford Science Fiction Workshop Alum. Her short fiction has appeared in Ideomancer, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, Crossed Genres, and AE-The Canadian Science Fiction Review. She has contributed articles and chapters to Teenagers from the Future: Essays on the Legion of Superheroes, Shot in the Face: A Savage Journey into the Heart of Transmetropolitan, and most recently, The Ages of the Flash and Genre en series: Superhéroïnes: un genre à part? She is currently an assistant professor at Meiji University in Tokyo.

Stewart Dorward

English Development Coordinator for a group of Japanese private high schools. Previously managing all foreign teachers across the same group. Previously taught in vocational colleges in the UK and at a Japanese university. Trained for the English state school system.

Yoshi Grote

Yoshi Grote is a lecturer in intercultural skills and gender at Kyoto Sangyo University. Her research interests include the visibility and belonging of liminal identities with a special focus on third culture and LGBTQIA+ issues. She has lived in 12 different countries, claims ownership of none and is shamefully linguistically challenged. She enjoys snowboarding, delicious food, long discussions and other such things that she no longer has time for now that she has a four-year-old.


14:15 Doors open

14:30 Introduction of guests

14:45 Panel Discussions in Japanese and English

To make the most of our time and to help promote more free discussion, we will break into two groups. One group will be primarily in English and one group will be primarily in Japanese. Guests are welcome to choose whichever group they prefer.

15:45 Discussion summaries in Japanese and English

After these separate discussions, the group will come back together and the key points from each group will be summarized in Japanese and English so that all ideas are respected.

16:00 Workshop and planning session

Next, we will make groups to summarize key issues (in Japanese and English respectively) to come up with a statement for publication. Ideally, we hope to have a draft of a statement that attendees can take back to their school, company, or university to help them get started making changes. We will seek volunteers to help finalize these statements and send them out to any interested guests after the event.

16:30 Closing

Finally, we will thank the speakers and attendees, vote on next year's topic, and more.

16:50 Clean up and departure

17:00 Doors close




時間:14:30 ~17:00

場所:調整中 *決まり次第お知らせします


JALT及び Tokyo JALT members 無料

非会員 ¥1,000



Speaker Bios (日本語)




2006年青山学院大学英語文学科教授に就任。研究内容は表現力豊かなコンテンツ、社会的意味、証拠に焦点を当てたセマンティクスとプラグマティクス。 「Reliability in Pragmatics」 (Oxford University Press, 2015)、「The Semantics and Pragmatics of Honorification: Register and Social Meaning」 (Oxford University Press, 2019) の著者であり、「Epistemology for the Rest of the World」 (Oxford University Press, 2018)、「Formal Semantics and Pragmatics: Japanese and Beyond」 (Springer, 2014)、「Linguistics and Philosophy」, 「Semantics & Pragmatics and Natural Language and Linguistic Theory」, その他多くのアーティクル、ジャーナル、論文、カンフェレンス議事録の編集者でもある。


国際基督教大学高等学校のEFLプログラムコーディネーター。研究対象には反省的教育の実践と、疎外されたグループを強調するためのCLILの使用が含まれる。現在 Teacher Development(TD)SIGのプログラムチェアを務めている。


明治大学の助教授。Lambda Emerging Writers Fellowであり、Milford Science Fiction Workshop Alumniである。著者の短編小説は「Ideomancer」、「Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine」、「Crossed Genres」、「AE-The Canadian Science Fiction Review」に掲載されている。また 「Teenagers from the Future: Essays on the Legion of Superheroes」、「Shot in the Face: A Savage Journey into the Heart of Transmetropolitan」、「The Ages of the Flash and Genre en series: Superhéroïnes: un genre à part?」 に記事とチャプターを寄稿した。




京都産業大学にて異文化スキルとジェンダーの講師を務める。研究対象には第三文化とLGBTQIA +の問題に特に焦点を当てた、リミナルアイデンティティの可視性と帰属が含まれる。これまで12ヶ国に住んだ経験があるが、言語には自信がない。スノーボード、美味しい料理、長い議論などを好んで楽しむが、現在は4歳児の子育てに専念している。

Issues In Education 2022

In early summer each year, we plan to hold a panel discussion and community building event about the issues the community believes are important. We hope that these panel discussions will raise awareness of the issue and spark change.

We would love your advice about topics you are interested in hearing the panelists talk about, questions you want to ask, speakers you would like to recommend, and more!

We are considering issues such as climate, labor, education policy, immigration, and more. What do YOU think we should be focusing on next?

Our survey: