Senior Researcher/ Forsker (Nov 2020 - now)

Researcher in Spectral Imaging at the Department of Computer Science (IDI), NTNU at Gjøvik Campus. Research projects:

  • Project leader | 11.2020-04.2022 | RCN FRIPRO FRINATEK Mobility grant for the project MeTRIcS

  • Researcher | 11.2020- ... | RCN FRIPRO TOPPFORSK The Lying Pen of Scribes (

Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow (Aug 2018 - Oct 2020)

In this position, I worked under the FRIPRO FRINATEK Mobility grant "Metrological Texture Analysis for Hyperspectral Images" with the Norwegian Colour and Visual Computing Laboratory of NTNU, Norway as the home institute. Within this project, I carried out two-year mobility at the University of Iceland.

Researcher/ Forsker (Dec 2016 - Jul 2018)

Worked for the Norwegian Colour and Visual Computing Laboratory (Colorlab), Department of Computer Science (IDI), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), which is located in Gjovik, Norway. In this position I continued the work initiated during my PhD, that is developing a metrological mathematical morphology framework for hyperspectral images. More applications in the cultural heritage field were carried out with collaborators from museums in Norway. In this position, I also participated in writing research proposals at the national and EU levels, as well as getting involved in teaching activities (Experts in Teamwork, Coding and Compression, and Database).

Researcher/ Forsker III (Jan - Feb 2016)

This was a short time job during my PhD study. In this position, I mainly worked on a specific application of analysing a painting and its constituents using methodologies developed in my PhD. Additionally, I also participated in writing a research proposal.

Research Assistant (Aug 2010 - Aug 2011)

For this position at the Pattern Recognition and Image Processing (PRIP) Laboratory, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia, I worked in two topics: image enhancement of old document images and pattern recognition of Batik clothing. The image enhancement task was a continuation of my bachelor's thesis work. Batik is Indonesian traditional cloth drawn using wax-resist dyeing technique. And different regions in Indonesia have their particular drawing pattern and even dyeing materials. This topic of Batik pattern recognition was already an ongoing project at the lab at that time, and I was participating in improving the training data as well as algorithms.

Teaching Assistant/ Lab Tutor (Feb 2008 - Aug 2011)

During my undergraduate study at the Faculty of Computer Science (CS) of University of Indonesia, and shortly after that, I also worked part-time as teaching assistant or lab tutor for various courses. The main task of a teaching assistant was to design and grade student assignments, as well as acting as proctor during examination period. As a lab tutor, my main responsibility was to assist students in practical lab/ programming sessions and also grade their works. Assisting one course per semester, here are the courses I was responsible for:

  • Discrete Mathematics II (Regular CS class)

  • Applied Probability (Regular CS class)

  • Intelligent Systems (Regular CS class)

  • Digital Image Processing (Regular CS class)

  • Software Engineering Project (Regular CS class)

  • IT Project (International CS class)

  • Neural Network (Biomedical Engineering master's program at the Postgraduate Department)

Software Developer Intern (Jun - Aug 2009)

For this internship I worked at PT Bakrie Construction in Jakarta, Indonesia. With another student, we developed a desktop application for the the company's resource and planning management system. The application itself was developed using .NET framework and WPF.