PhD in Computer Science (2013 - 2016)

Degree obtained from the Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU) and University of Poitiers, France, with a thesis titled "Towards Spectral Mathematical Morphology." It received a mention « Très honorable avec félicitations » the most prestigious mention in the French system. In this work I developed an image processing framework for hyperspectral images taking the point of view of metrology. During the span of my PhD study, I also collaborated with several museums in Norway, analysing their cultural heritage objects using tools and theoretical framework I developed. The PhD monograph can be downloaded here.

MSc in Color and Imaging Science (2011 - 2013)

Degree obtained from Erasmus Mundus Master's Program Colors in Informatics and Media Technology (EM CIMET). And as it was an Erasmus Mundus' program, I spent my semesters in 3 universities in Europe: University Jean Monnet (Saint Etienne, FR), University of Granada (Granada, ES), and Gjøvik University College (Gjøvik, NO - now NTNU in Gjøvik campus). My thesis semester was spent in Gjøvik where I worked for a thesis titled "Pigment mapping of cultural heritage paintings based on hyperspectral imaging."

BSc in Computer Science (cum laude, 2006 - 2010)

Degree obtained from University of Indonesia, with a thesis titled "Image enhancement and image restoration of old document image using Genetic Algorithms."