22. Compound Shapes, 3D Shapes, Elevations & Nets
Home > Legacy GCSE Maths Foundation > 22. Compound Shapes, 3D Shapes, Elevations & Nets
22.01 Area and Perimeter of a Compound Shape
22.01 Area and Perimeter of a Compound Shape
22.02 Identifying 3D Shapes
22.02 Identifying 3D Shapes
22.03 Isometric Drawing
22.03 Isometric Drawing
22.04 Plans and Elevations
22.04 Plans and Elevations
22.05 Nets
22.05 Nets
22.06 The Volume of Cuboids
22.06 The Volume of Cuboids
22.07 The Volume of Prisms
22.07 The Volume of Prisms