
Senior Girl Scouts

The emblem features a trefoil shape symbolizing both the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, representing that the Tamkang University Scout Group is a co-educational group. The cone-shaped design behind the emblem resembles a compass needle, symbolizing the truth and reliability in upholding Scouting ideals and guiding others in that direction. The two stars on either side of the words 'Tamkang University Scout Group' represent the Promise and the Law, while the surrounding circle signifies that Scouting is a global organization. 

Purpose of the Organization   All activities of the group focus on 'interest development' and 'self-discipline training,' with the aim of instilling the values of 'cultivating knowledge, strengthening the body, learning skills, and serving others.' This strives to nurture good citizens, ultimately in pursuit of 'truth' and the promotion of world peace. 

Club Expertise   Develop Scouting skills, outdoor and wilderness activities, while enhancing members' abilities in proposal writing, communication, and leadership. Train members in pioneering projects and construction. 

Club Vision    can gain experience sharing from successful teammates 

Club Website

Club Office   SG141

Certification Requirements   

1.Members are required to pay the annual membership fee to become official members. This semester, members can apply for up to 11 participation credits:

2.To become an official member, up to 4 execution certifications may be earned this semester:


Blood Donation Service

Brown Bear Camp