Is Your Roof Ready For Summer Storm Season?

The biggest threat to your roof can be the harsh summer weather.

Strong winds, torrential rain, hail, and other weather-related events can ruin your summertime activities and do serious damage to your roof.

Additionally, the relentless sun can deteriorate your shingles and remove paint from the eaves and soffits.

The greatest way to protect yourself against the harsh effects of a summer storm is to keep your roof in good condition.

We'll go over a few strategies in the post that follows so you can prepare your roof for the summer storm season and save money on repairs.

Clear your gutters and dry your home out.

As the weather begins to warm up, you should clear your gutters of any leaves and other debris first.

If there is any debris in your gutters, it could clog them and cause water to start pouring under the roof or down the side of your house.

This may result in significant water damage.

After a major weather event, you should also look for cracks that could allow water into your home.

Your first line of defense against water damage is clean gutters.

Check your roof for any damaged shingles or tiles and make sure any vents are sealed to prevent rain blown by the wind from getting inside your home.

Examine the large trees close to your home and trim any overhanging branches.

Anything that protrudes over your roof is dangerous and increases the risk of serious roof damage.

Find any overhanging branches over your roof? have them pruned away from your home.

You should check the health of any trees close to your home to avoid them breaking or being uprooted by strong winds.

Check for any indications that your trees are in distress.

Your tree may be in trouble if it has malformed or fallen leaves, missing bark, dead limbs, or withering branches.

Leaning could be an indication of the root system's fragility. Before storm season, the tree might need to be removed because it might not be sturdy enough to stand erect in strong winds.

If you notice any signs that your tree might not be able to resist strong winds or storms, contact an expert.

Get a Few Tarps

After storms, tarps are hard to come by.

Home improvement stores frequently run out of materials like plastic and tarps.

If the storm damage is severe, even experienced roofers can experience supply problems.

Prior to the stormy season, purchase some tarps and keep them on hand in case a summer storm hurts your roof.

You'll be ready to make interim repairs to stop further damage if you have a tarp available.

Make sure you are familiar with your insurance policy.

Even if it takes contacting with your insurance agent, every homeowner has to be aware of what is covered by their insurance policy.

In order to give the insurance company an accurate estimate of storm damage, photo documentation is essential.

A hard copy of your insurance is also necessary in case of a power outage.

If your roof is damaged, knowing what kinds of damage are covered by your policy will reduce your first concern and worry.

Have your roof inspected.

Prior to the summer storm season, it is crucial to maintain your roof since regular maintenance enables you to identify issues before they cause more serious damage.

If you haven't had your roof examined in a while, give your neighborhood roofing company a call.

They'll conduct a comprehensive examination and take care of any problems they uncover.

You can perform your own inspection for roof damage while you wait for them.

Examine your roof from the outside of your yard to see if there is any obvious damage.

The protecting layers of your roof can be penetrated by wind and rain if there are missing or broken shingles.

Tiles that are cracked or sliding must be fixed or replaced since, in strong gusts, they can easily become dangerous projectiles.

Prior to storm season, any place that exhibits signs of wear and tear or potential damage should be repaired.

Contact the Professionals at TK Roofing & Gutters

Get a professional opinion on the condition of your roof if you've recently been through a severe storm or if you want to be ready for the next one.

As with other problems in life, it is usually preferable to address concerns as soon as they arise rather than waiting until they become more serious and expensive ones.

Roof damage is common following a powerful storm.

Your home and roof physically provide you with shelter and security, so it's important to maintain them in the best shape possible.

For this reason, you must get in touch with TK Roofing and Gutters' qualified roofers.

For a free consultation on storm damage roofing repairs, click the button below right now.