5 Things To Know Before Putting On A New Roof

5 Things To Know Before Putting On A New Roof

Installing a new roof is a major job. But, if you live in your house long enough, you're going to come to the point where it's time to replace your roof.

Roof replacement can be expensive, time-consuming, and it will present you with several tough decisions to make - everything from what type of roof you'd like installed to what color it should be.

But your roof is much more than aesthetics that enhance your curb appeal. Your roof is what gives you and your family shelter from the elements.

So before you decide to replace your roof and begin your roof installation, there are a few things you should know.

In the article below, we will look at 5 things you need to know before installing a new roof.

Signs It's Time For A New Roof

Before we get into what you should know before replacing a roof, we'll look at a few tell-tale signs that it needs to be replaced.

The most obvious sign you need a roof replacement is if it's old. Any roof between 20 and 25 years old should be replaced as soon as possible.

Even if you think your roof is fine and without any damage, and you've done all the necessary maintenance to it, a roof's lifespan is about 20 years, so it should be replaced before problems start occurring.

Your roof valleys are one of your roof's most critical parts because they direct rainwater to the gutters. If your roof valleys are damaged, they become vulnerable to leaks, and they need to be replaced.

Another sign your roof should be replaced is curling or buckled shingles. If you look at your roof and notice that your shingles are curling and losing granules, they'll need to be replaced.

When you replace your roof, if your flashing is made of tar or cement, you should replace them with a metal flashing system.

A metal flashing system is watertight and will last longer than tar or cement flashing.

Next time it rains, go out and check your gutters. If you notice they are full of granules, that's usually a sign that your roof is nearing the end of its life.

Another fairly obvious sign that your roof needs to be replaced is if you can see daylight through the boards.

And finally, a severe problem that should not be ignored is a sagging roof.

A sagging roof requires immediate action because it is usually a sign of a structural issue with your roof. It's typically a sign that the attic decking or even the foundation supports my need for repair.

They should be fixed as soon as possible to prevent it from turning into an even bigger issue. You should contact your local roofing company to help you decide what roofing solution will be the best for you.

Five Things You Should Know Before Putting On A New Roof

1. How To Choose Your Roofing Material

One of the first and probably the most important decision you will make regarding your new roof will be what type of roofing material to use.

When it's time to decide what material type to use, you need to consider the material's lifespan, how much it costs, and its appearance.

So if you were to choose asphalt shingles, although they are one of the most cost-efficient options, they also have one of the shortest lifespans.

But if you go with concrete or metal shingles, you will pay more money upfront, but they will last significantly longer.

If you want something that can last for a long time and give you the look you're going for, you should go with metal roofing.

A metal roof can mimic other roofing materials' look while giving you the durability you need.

As we've already mentioned, some of the newer roofing materials will cost you more than traditional materials. Still, they will last longer, enhance your curb appeal, and increase the resale value of your home.

The roofing industry has changed a lot over the years, so keep in mind that if the last time you had a roof installed was 20 years ago, you have many more choices available to you today.

If you're unsure of which roofing material is best for your home, don't hesitate to contact your local roofing company for their help.

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2. Should You Layer Or Strip?

If you currently have asphalt shingles on your roof and decide to go with asphalt shingles again, you have a couple of options available to you for the new installation.

You can have up to two layers of shingles on your roof, so you can apply new shingles over your current ones.

This can save you money on your installation costs, but you can only do it once.

Because shingles adhere better directly to the roof rather than on top of other shingles, many experts don't recommend going this route, especially if you live in an area known for adverse weather and high winds.

And if there are already two layers of shingles on your roof, you will need to strip it no matter what. Three layers of asphalt shingles are too much for a roof to handle.

If you've had problems with your roof in the past or not, it is always important to inspect the wood that supports your roof before you begin installing the shingles.

If there are any damaged or soft areas of plywood, it needs to be replaced right away.

If you can spot and repair bad spots in the frame of your roof, it will help you avoid a severe leak down the road.

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3. It'll Be Noisy

There's no way around it - replacing your roof is going to be noisy.

From removing the old shingles to hammering on the new ones, there's no way to keep the project from getting loud.

This is something many people don't think about when they decide to put on a new roof.

But if you, your children, or your pets are sensitive to loud noises at all, you'll need to find somewhere to go while your roof is being worked on.

And if you decide to go somewhere during the day while they work on your roof, make sure to get your car out of the garage or your driveway before they set up their job site, so you don't get blocked in by roofing supplies as they are doing your installation.

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4. Ask for a Contract

Before you begin work on your new roof installation, make sure to get a contract from your contractor.

Your roofing contractor should provide you with a contract that includes everything the job entails.

Make sure things like your roofing materials, color, and what the work involves, like stripping, flashing, etc., are all included.

Before signing your contract, ask as many questions as you need to, and make sure everything you discussed is included before they begin the installation.

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5. Choose A Reliable Roofing Contractor

Unless you're a skilled DIYer, you're going to need to hire an experienced roofing company to handle your replacement project.

Not too long after you decide to replace your roof, you need to start researching potential companies to work with, and you'll likely have several choices.

Most roofing contractors will give free quotes, so be sure to get a quote from the contractors you're considering.

You also need to be sure they have experience installing the type of roof you want before moving forward with them.

Roofing contractors are a rarity in the business world because roofers don't rely on repeat business because roofs only need to be replaced every 20 or so years. And if the roofers do a good job, it should require minimal repairs.

You should always pick a company you feel comfortable working with and never choose a company because they quoted you the lowest price.

Sometimes that low price is because they hire low skilled workers and cut corners to save on roof replacement costs.

Look for reviews online, ask your friends for recommendations, and take your time when deciding which roofing contractor to work with.

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Contact TK Roofing and Gutters

If you're replacing a roof and you're ready to make the investment and start talking to roofing contractors, contact TK Roofing and Gutters.

As a homeowner, your home is your most important possession, and your roof is one of the most important parts of your home.

That's why you should only trust your roof to be installed by the best-certified roofer in your area.

TK Roofing and Gutters have been providing homeowners with the roofing solutions they need since 2007 using the latest roofing technology.

They can install traditional roofs, metal roofs - whatever you need.

If you're ready to get started on your roofing project, click the button below to contact TK Roofing and Gutters for more information and schedule your Free Estimate.