Storm Damage Roofing Repair

Assessing Roof Damage Due to Storm

While some roof damage is obvious, such as massive holes, leaks, or seeing shingles on the side of your home, there are instances that damage could slip beneath the cracks.

Hurricanes and tornadoes are obvious culprits for wind damage. However, don’t overlook the power of a typical thunderstorm. The straight-line burst of wind from a common storm can cause roof damage, along with the accompanying hail and potential debris.

If your home recently withstood a storm (or even if it has been a while), here are a few steps you can take to assess storm damage to your roof.

Look For Any Signs Of Roof Damage Visible From The Ground

Check Inside For Any Signs Of Leaks

Check For Hail Damage

Be Safe

Contact your storm damage repair roofing company if you think your roof has been damaged due to a recent storm.

Signs of Storm Damage

When it comes to storms, there are three main forces at work against your roof and home – wind, debris, and rain/hail. Let’s break these down a little bit further

How Wind Can Impact Flat Roofs

Look for perimeter metals lifted or creased, a complete or partial blow off, unattached insulation, and exposed fasteners. Again, a leaking roof is viable here.

How Wind Can Impact Shingles and Flat Roofs

A soft breeze on a hot day is fantastic, but that typically is not the wind that accompanies storms. Significant wind can cause your roof's shingles to blow off the deck and if you're missing shingles, interior leaks are right around the corner.

How Wind Can Impact Shingles

Wind can tear shingles, lift them, cause them to blow off your roof, and break shingle seals. Check for a leaking roof or significantly creased shingles.

How Wind Can Impact Flat Roofs

Look for perimeter metals lifted or creased, a complete or partial blow off, unattached insulation, and exposed fasteners. Again, a leaking roof is viable here.

How Wind Can Impact Shingles and Flat Roofs

A soft breeze on a hot day is fantastic, but that typically is not the wind that accompanies storms. Significant wind can cause your roof's shingles to blow off the deck and if you're missing shingles, interior leaks are right around the corner.

How Wind Can Impact Shingles

Wind can tear shingles, lift them, cause them to blow off your roof, and break shingle seals. Check for a leaking roof or significantly creased shingles.

How Wind Can Impact Flat Roofs

Look for perimeter metals lifted or creased, a complete or partial blow off, unattached insulation, and exposed fasteners. Again, a leaking roof is viable here.

Examples of Debris Damage

Debris damage can include visual identification of debris on the roof deck, missing shingles, and cracked shingles. If a tree limb or other large object was blown onto your roof, it could be vulnerable to moisture intrusion.

Debris Damage

Chances are, there are electrical wires and trees near your home. Depending on how severe the storm is, these can become hazard objects in regards to the health of your roof.

Examples of Debris Damage

Debris damage can include visual identification of debris on the roof deck, missing shingles, and cracked shingles. If a tree limb or other large object was blown onto your roof, it could be vulnerable to moisture intrusion.

Debris Damage

Chances are, there are electrical wires and trees near your home. Depending on how severe the storm is, these can become hazard objects in regards to the health of your roof.

Examples of Debris Damage

Debris damage can include visual identification of debris on the roof deck, missing shingles, and cracked shingles. If a tree limb or other large object was blown onto your roof, it could be vulnerable to moisture intrusion.

Long-term Impact of Hail Damage

Ignoring hail damage signs can lead to voided manufacturer warranties, premature failure of siding, premature failure of the roof system, and exterior building decay.

Hail Damage

Rain is one thing, but when you're home starts experiencing hail you could have significant problems. In addition to damage from the impact of hail, you could also sustain standing water if your roof's drainage isn't up to par.

Common Signs of Hail Damage

Common signs of hail damage include dents in your metal roof, cracks and marks in the roof or siding, and loose shingle granules.

Long-term Impact of Hail Damage

Ignoring hail damage signs can lead to voided manufacturer warranties, premature failure of siding, premature failure of the roof system, and exterior building decay.

Hail Damage

Rain is one thing, but when you're home starts experiencing hail you could have significant problems. In addition to damage from the impact of hail, you could also sustain standing water if your roof's drainage isn't up to par.

Common Signs of Hail Damage

Common signs of hail damage include dents in your metal roof, cracks and marks in the roof or siding, and loose shingle granules.

Long-term Impact of Hail Damage

Ignoring hail damage signs can lead to voided manufacturer warranties, premature failure of siding, premature failure of the roof system, and exterior building decay.

Contact TK Roofing and Gutters

If you’ve recently experienced a severe storm, it is critical to get a professional opinion on the condition of your roof.

Similar to most problems in life, it is always better to take care of issues early before they become bigger, and more expensive, problems. Roof damage due to a severe storm is no exception. Your roof and home are very literally your shelter and protection, so it is very important to keep everything in the best condition as possible.

It may be tempting to walk outside, glance up at your roof, and assume that it is fine because you don’t see any obvious damage. However, as we listed above, a significant amount of damage is only visible to a professional or from the vantage point of on top of your roof.

That is why you need to contact the professionals roofers at TK Roofing and Gutters. Call (330) 525-8607 for a Free Storm Damage Roofing Repair Consultation today.