
Welcome to the brightwheel Tab! Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are required to download the brightwheel app upon registration. You will recieve an email inviting you to your child(ren)'s profile!

Titan Town will be utilizing the brightwheel app this summer to keep track of your child's activities throughout the day with the features of:

How to setup your account:

See a video tutorial HERE!

Check-in/out: Within your kiddo's brightwheel profile you will see their designated check in/out code. This will be REQUIRED and need to be presented to the staff checking out your child for the day. 

Medical Needs/Emergencies: Brightwheel is able to keep track of medical needs like allergies and medications, as well as allow us to notify you when there is an incident or your child is administered medication. 

Behavior Reports: the notes feature of brightwheel will allow us to notify you of any behavioral issues that may occur throughout the day, as well as the "Kudos" feature which allows us to notify you when there is exceptional behavior. 

Communication: the brightwheel app will be the main form of communication between the program and parents throughtout the day. All staff will be able to see messages sent on your child's profile and all staff will have the ability to message you as well. This is the feature we will use for check out, informational updates, last minute schedule changes, and so much more. For help with messaging, please click here

Billing: brightwheel is how the Titan Town program will handle all payments and billing. Please refer to this guide for payment setup and instructions.