
My main research areas are algorithmic game theory, algorithmic mechanism design, and approximation algorithms. My research interests include, but are not limited to, the design and analysis of (approximation) algorithms, computational complexity, congestion games, flows over time, operations research, optimal stopping theory, and scheduling.

Please feel free to contact me to obtain publications, I would be very happy to send you a free pdf. Please see the talks page for slides.

Journal publications

With D. Schmand and M. Schröder

Games and Economic Behavior, 2024

With J. Correa, A. Cristi, L. Feuilloley and A. Tsigonias-Dimitriadis

Published online in advance in Management Science, 2024

With J. Correa and A. Cristi

Mathematics of Operations Research, 2021

Computational experiments: Setup, Results

With J. Correa, P. Foncea, R. Hoeksma and T. Vredeveld

Mathematics of Operations Research, 2021

With A. Grigoriev and V. Kreuzen

Journal of Scheduling, 2021

With N. Bansal, T. Vredeveld and R. van der Zwaan

Algorithmica, 2016

With T. Harks and T. Vredeveld

Operations Research Letters, 2016

With J. Keijsper

Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2015

Conference proceedings

With M. van Ee, R. Sitters and A. Wiese

MFCS 2023

With D. Schmand and M. Schröder

WINE 2022 (see Games and Economic Behavior 2024 version)

With J. Correa, A. Cristi, L. Feuilloley and A. Tsigonias-Dimitriadis

SODA 2021 (see Management Science 2024 version)

With A. Antoniadis, A. Cristi and A. Sgouritsa

AAMAS 2020

With J. Correa and A. Cristi

EC 2019 (see Mathematics of Operations Research 2021 version)

With J. Correa, P. Foncea, R. Hoeksma and T. Vredeveld

EC 2017 (see Mathematics of Operations Research 2021 version)

With M. Gabay, A. Grigoriev and V. Kreuzen

OR 2014 (see Journal of Scheduling 2021 version)

Other publications

With J. Correa, P. Foncea, R. Hoeksma and T. Vredeveld

ACM SIGecom Exchanges, 2019

PhD Thesis. Maastricht University, 2018

Master Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology, 2013

Working papers

With M. van Ee, R. Sitters and A. Wiese

Submitted a minor revision

With A. Antoniadis, A. Cristi and A. Sgouritsa

Writing a revision

With S. Miltenburg and R. Sitters

Submitted to a conference

With L. Helwani

Writing a journal version

With M. Klimm

Research in progress

With C. Defryn and E. Şenyuva

Research in progress


Please find below an alphabetical list of coauthors and their current affiliations.