Tiffany Ashurian on The Positive Impact of Music

Tiffany Ashurian always tried to maintain the positive influence of art and music in her personal life and successful career. That is why she continues to seek out the positive impact of the arts and music in conjunction with her work as an executive of a local company. In her attempts to figure out more ways to introduce Jacksonville’s locals to the music and art that she loves, she wants to use her blog posts to draw more attention to music and arts, especially in a time of crisis.

Even in trying times like this coronavirus crisis, Tiffany Ashurian believes that music matters. It might not be the first thing that comes to mind, especially of infected or quarantined individuals. Still, music plays an essential role in helping us to cope with anxieties, fear, overthinking, and panic brought about by the COVID-19 outbreak and its effects on society. Several studies show that music increases memory and retention and maximizes an individual’s learning capabilities. Because of music, our brains trigger emotions, thoughts, and memories, leading to more positive outcomes for our mental health.

Tiffany Ashurian believes that understanding how music can affect your emotions goes a long way in helping ease depressive and anxious thoughts that may intrude your mind during times of worldwide crisis. Playing music is a simple way to promote relaxation and help you drift off to sleep to reduce stress and calm your mind. Listening to certain types of music can also significantly boost your focus. Researchers recommend listening to instrumental, classical, or ambient music to keep you focused and concentrated on your activities.

Whether downloaded, streamed, on radios, or even on vinyl, our music playlists help soothe any anxieties that we have. Paradoxically, now that affected countries and regions encourage the implementation of social distancing, local and national lockdowns, and self-isolation, people become more united than ever. We are united in the common goal of defeating the novel coronavirus, and Tiffany Ashurian believes that music bridges us through these troubled times.