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Editorial Board Member of Computational Intelligence journal:

Computational Intelligence

Special Collection on Interface Effects and Size-Dependent Behavior of Nanocomposites

Advances in Mechanical Engineering, SAGE Publisher, ISI, IF=1.316 

Lead Guest Editor:

Tien-Thinh Le

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, PHENIKAA University

PHENIKAA Research and Technology Institute (PRATI), A&A Green Phoenix Group JSC, Viet Nam


Co-Guest Editors

Tran Minh Tu

Faculty of Building and Industrial Construction, University of Civil Engineering, Viet Nam



Nanocomposites are heterogeneous materials, exhibiting novel multi-physical phenomena that are linked to interactions at the smallest scales. These interactions cause significant alterations of the local physical properties – in particular, of the matrix phase (for instance, transition and/or modification of phase, specific conformation, or modification of the degree of crystallinity for an organic polymer matrix). For such nano-reinforced materials, interactions at small scales (between nanofillers and the matrix, or between different nanofillers) are no longer negligible and must be interpreted and modeled in a multi-scale framework.

This Special Collection is aimed at gathering and presenting the latest research and developments in revealing interface effects and size-dependent behavior of nanocomposites. Theoretical, computational, and experimental developments are welcome.

Topics of interest for submissions include, but are not limited to the following:

The submitted manuscripts for this Special Collection will be peer-reviewed before publication.

Submit your paper.

Please submit your paper according to the following timetable for the Special Collection:

Manuscript Deadline

January 31, 2022

An article processing charge may apply upon acceptance of your paper.

Lead Guest Editor:

Dr. Tien-Thinh Le completed a B.Sc in Mechanics and a M.S. in Mechanics of Materials and Structures, at Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, France in 2010 and 2012, respectively. In 2015, he completed a Ph.D in Mechanics at Université Paris-Est, under the supervision of Prof. Christian Soize and Prof. Johann Guilleminot. From November 2015 to July 2020, Dr. Tien-Thinh Le worked as a research scientist at Technologies and Information Systems Research Unit, Irstea (currently Inrae), Clermont-Ferrand, France. Since September 2020, he works as a lecturer/researcher at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, Phenikaa University. Since January 2021, he is the leader of Mechanics of Materials/Structures and Applications (MMSA) Research group, Phenikaa University, Viet Nam.

Co-Guest Editors:

Tran Minh Tu graduated from the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava in 1986 with a bachelor in Mechanical Engineering and a specialization in Applied Mechanics. He received his M.Sc and PhD degrees from the Hanoi University of Technology and Science in 2003 and 2007, respectively, for his work on composite materials and structures. He was appointed Associate Professor in 2010 and Full Professor in 2019 at the National University of Civil Engineering. His research interests are in the areas of structural stability, vibration, plated structures and shells. He now holds the position of Head of Research team at the Strength of Materials Department of the National University of Civil Engineering, Viet Nam.