Tidewater Turners of Virginia's fosters a wider understanding and appreciation of woodturning as a traditional and contemporary craft and a form of art among the general public, amateur turners, part-time turners, and professional turners. As a chapter of the American Association of Woodturners (AAW) Tidewater Turners provides a structured foundation for sharing knowledge and ideas, and socializing.

We are a non-profit organization bringing together like minded persons with an interest in woodturning.

We strive to achieve this goal by providing education, information, organization, technical assistance, and publications relating to woodturning.

We are managed by an elected board of directors and officers.

Mentoring of members is an integral part of the club philosophy.

Several times a year, we invite well known woodturners from around the country to give a demonstration of their talents. In past years, demonstrators included David Ellsworth, Cindy Drozda, and Richard Raffen. Most recently, our demonstrators included Warren Carpenter, Frank Penta, Mike Sorge and Ron Thomas.

This page maintained by Ray Kallman