My Resume

Tiberius Brastaviceanu

Today, I'm mostly appreciated for my contribution to commons-based peer production and p2p economics. I'm passionate about open innovation, open source development, infrastructures for collaborative activities, governance and normative systems for collaborative enterprises, collaborative methodologies and other crazy things.

Younger, I studied Physics and Nuclear Medicine & Radiobiology. In 2002, I was playing with lasers and stumbled on some interesting phenomena, which later (spring 2005) led me to propose a new conceptual bases to account for sub-ps laser applications in material processing. This work opens the gates to a new kind of high-power sub-ps laser applications in material processing, based on secondary effects induced by photoionization and photodissociation. 

I dove deep into high-power laser applications at Raydiance Inc. (Petaluma, CA) , where I was employed as a Laser Applications Engineer. 2007 and 2008 were my corporate years... My role at this company was to support and animate a network of laser applications developers composed of private companies, academic labs and independent entrepreneurs. I learned about innovation processes, the importance of communication and networking skills, some engineering tricks to cut to the core of the problem and to design effective proof of concept experiments, and I finally understood how intellectual property rights hiders innovation. I did go along with the company's policy and filed three reports of invention (ROI), based on my work on building a laser material processing system from the ground up, and based on subsequent work on laser ablation (applications in photonics, microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip, photovoltaic cell fabrication), soft and hard biological tissue processing (bone and teeth enamel, skin and cornea) and ps-LIBS. My corporate career ended with my disillusion for the current economic system in 2008, coinciding with the financial crisis.

Autumn 2008 I was back to Montreal swearing not to work for a corporation ever again. I went towards academia, found a job at McGill University where I joined a very dynamic team in bioengineering, providing automation and integration support for a microfluidic system and learning about lab-on-a-chip technology. Later, I joined Dilson Rassier's team in Kinesiology, where I helped develop a state-of-the-art AFM dynamic force measurement system with unparalleled temporal resolution. I enjoyed spending time in the lab with students, but I rapidly grew disappointed with the academic bureaucracy, hierarchy and with the prevalent incentive system, all leading to mediocre science. One way to put it, the University has become the Church of the modern faith. For a while, I escaped by daydreaming about a new optical fiber-based displacement sensor and force transducer (sub-micron resolution and microsecond response time) and used my spare time to develop it. In parallel, I started to get more interested in open source, open innovation, open science and p2p economics. 

In February 2011 I launched Sensorica, an open network for high tech open innovation, and I swore not to work for academia or corporations, ever again. Sensorica became an audacious pilot project in commons-based peer production. This work was hard but rewarding. After being considered a wacko, being called a communist and a libertarian on the same breath, my work was finally recognized. I was invited to present at p2pValue (2016), to Canadian Government (2016) at the White House (2015), Impact Economy Summit (2015), OuiShare Paris (2014), TEDx Montréal (2013) and a number of academic forums.

I like chaotic environments, new ventures and rapid change. I like diversity in my working groups.

I also blog on the Multitude Project.



Development of a state-of-the-art laser-based molecular force measurement system with unparalleled spatial and temporal resolution. I performed characterization and proof of concept experiments in the field of muscle contraction dynamics at sub-cellular level. I designed and created a modular and configurable automation and integration Labview program, suitable for a research environment.  

Automation of a microfluidic probe experimental system, comprising an inverted microscope, multiple dosing units, electromecanical motion devices, and a CCD camera. I designed and created a modular and configurable Labview program, suitable for a research environment. I was involved in characterization and proof of concept experiments of automated patterning of fluorescently-labeled biotin on a streptavidin-coated surface.

Laser processing of biological and non-biological materials using ultrashort pulses. Conception and assembly of ablation setups, completed with visualization and spectroscopic feedback. Conception and execution of proof of concept experiments. Technical writing. Customer interfacing. See some of my results HERE.

I developed the concept of photoionization mode (see also my page), and in parallel I worked on applications of social media (web 2.0) to science and technological development.


Public consultations

My presentations

+ numerous presentations in academic forums

In the press

In scientific publications

OSH Start-ups’ Business Development Challenges: The Case of SENSORICA from a Total Integrated Marketing Perspective
Cautious hope: Prospects and perils of communitarian governance in a Web3 environment [2024]

In documentaries

A New Economy



See also My Experience page.


Laser material processing; applications of pulsed lasers in medicine and biology; ionizing effects of laser radiation on water, and biological targets (the physical processes involved and the resultant chemical and structural transformations); nonlinear optics; spectroscopy.

Muscle contraction at the molecular level and instrumentation to probe biomechanical properties of sub-cellular structures.

p2p economy, open innovation, open hardware business, social media...