My Philosophy

Epistemology and philosophy of physics

I am particularly interested in the fields of epistemology, logic, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of language. By using tools from these disciplines, I attempt to revise the current scientific method, particularly in the field of physics.

The main objective of my research is to reshape the scientific activity in order to better respond to the growing need of efficient and syntactically simple scientific models. The secret of reducing the complexity of formal models lies, in my opinion, in using the appropriate ontology, metaphysics, and logic for the object under study, and for the intended use of these models. I will adopt a very pragmatic attitude toward ontology, metaphysics, and logic, which comes naturally when we try to understand scientific knowledge from an evolutionary perspective.

My first hypothesis is that the form of language-based knowledge is relative to a point of view. Yes, this is ontological and metaphysical relativism, and I will take it very far. This idea is based on the observation that representational systems are degenerate, i.e. knowledge is under-determined by experience, and it is not hard-linked to the success of our actions. I will develop the consequences of this hypothesis and try to prove its fertility in science and technology.

Interesting reflections

p2p economics

In April 2015 I was asked by Christine Koehler to write an article on value. She contacted me because she come across my work on open value networks, about a new organizational model that may be well-adapted to support large scale peer production of material goods. I accepted the challenge as an exercise to formalize the tacit knowledge that I have accumulated since 2008, when I became interested in the relation between the new digital technology and the shift of power structures in our modern society.

I advise the reader not to consider this paper as a theoretical essay. This is only my effort to bring to my own consciousness the tacit knowledge that I am using in my efforts to help the development of the open value network model, and of the network/community, which is an instantiation of this model. As I get better at surfacing and formalizing these ideas, I also invite the reader to understand the heuristics behind my work. I let the reader place a judgment on the success of my work, which will make these heuristics and models that I am trying to expose here more or less interesting.

NOTE: This is part of a larger oeuvre that I now call Economic action.

Interesting reflections

Presentations on open science

MNI - open science presentation

Montreal Neuro Institute

CSPC Open Science and Innovation

Canadian Science Policy Center in Ottawa

Presentations on p2p economy and collaborative entrepreneurship

Collaborative entrepreneurship

Collaborative entrepreneurship

Different forums


Peer production


Other presentations

On leadership

On leadership

Presented at McGill University

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