
Robotics costs a lot of money, which is why we need donations to help support us in our goals. Money can be used for:

    • robot parts

    • outreach events

    • building tools

    • etc.

Donations are extremely beneficial to our team, and all support is appreciated. If you would like to donate, please email this address:


We have gotten a few sponsors here and there. They have helped us lots to buy equipment, metal, tools, and so much more.

Quick-Serv: Quick-Serv has graciously given us $1000.00 early in the season and became our first Platinum Sponsor. We are planning to make a presentation for their most kind donation. We did get a donation for them last year and like we plan to do we made a presentation for them. After we took a tour of their awesome facility.

Thomson Reuters: We have gotten a very kind donation of $1500.00 from Thomson Reuters. We went to take a tour of of their printing presses on September 22nd , 2016. First we went into the magnificent place and viewed some works they had printed for authors such as Harry Potter.

Delta: The pilots of Delta Air Lines have made a few anonymous donations to our team. It all totals up to about $2750.00! We are very thankful for this donation and will give back to them in any way.

Twin City Staffing: Twin City Staffing has given us $500.00 and letting us borrow their trailer for competition. Which has been incredibly useful during tournaments.